
Feel free to move to an African country where you will no longer be oppressed.

Can’t find a single country eh? ;p

Care to point me to the Sunni Islamic countries you’d prefer to live in?

Some excellent reading material for you on South Africa.

MadPiglet, can you find me a single community on earth where the crime rate does not go, just one. Just name one. One place. There should be one out of billions of people. Take any country on the globe.
Black > Brownish > White > Asian?

1/3rd of black males will see prison in their lifetimes

Quick, name me a single country where black crime isn’t over represented by at least 5 to 1. Name one, I’ll wait.

Vanguard Knight, no person will be denied a home loan in these days if they have sufficient capital and a job to prove that they can pay the loan. Community development? Right now most young black males, instead of picking up a book, or spending time at the library, chase guns drugs and girls. Please look at this

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To further accentuate this point, this video encapsulates it. This student went against the narrative and was silenced despite how passionate she was. Do you think that’s not in itself discriminatory? People should be able to talk freely without fear of being reprimanded so easily.

No, I’m just using it as an example that if a white person had said that people would collectively lose their shit. It’s not remotely right. Treating one group of people differently than treating another group of people is racist in itself.

So white people preferring the company of other white people isn’t racist as well?

You’d never have gotten out of mudhuts if it weren’t for men. GL with that. “Thanks for the best countries in the world men.”

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Muhammad Ali himself saw race. He preferred to be “with his own”. He said he didn’t hate anyone, it’s just a preference. You can be racist but not be a bad person.

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Muhammad Ali showing you can be a racist, but not be a bad person. He just prefers his own.

“Yeah, sorry he VIOLATED you. Please don’t send me to him to jail!” Oh piss off. Rape is a horrible violation of a human being. It should not be tolerated.

This is what Trump is fighting. Lawlessness. Men hit in the face with a bag of rocks. Women assaulted at events. A womans glasses were crushed and shoved into her face. Phones smacked away. Private property damaged. Waving Mexican flags in an American country saying, “we’re taking it back”.

Offtopic: Has Jezebel ever reported the massive disparity in crime in Chicago?

Catholic priests have a lower rate of molestation however than teachers and coaches and other jobs that work explicitly with children. There’s children’s charities that have been found to be deeply disturbing as well. Like the famous one where the man ran a charity for abused children, so that he could abuse children

On average, married women live longer than single women though. So despite these stories, it’s still statistically safer to get married as you may increase your longevity by at least 1 year or so.

White countries at least abolished slavery and fought for the slaves. There’s Black countries that have slaves still in place today. The first black slaves were owned by blacks.

One only needs to read, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” to realize that it is the African men that are by far the most violent. And that this trend