
Not to be picky, but the title might as well read as follows:

The 4th generation made the MacBook Air usable as an actual laptop instead of an expensive and underpowered laptop. That makes it an important development. That is why ultrabooks are even in existence. Ultrabooks were virtually non existant before the 4th generation MBA. That is why is was voted the most important

You have to be a reader to be a voter.

43% with hundreds of phone, 27% with 5 phones. If you compare market share per phone, no Android phone will even come close. Again, the best selling smartphones are iPhones. Fact.

Well, it is obviously the opinion of the majority of readers.

Same thing here. I bought my iPad and barely use my laptop anymore. I still use my desktop for all my video work and rendering though.

If its so overpriced, tell me why it is the best selling tablet.

What are the best selling smartphones in the world? Oh, iPhones? Well golly gee.

Right on. The comment section is home to so many haters and PC/Android fanboys.

Fact, the MacBook Air is much more revolutionary than a Kindle Fire. Even if you are a die hard PC fanboy, the MacBook Air changed and is changing Windows based laptops. The Kindle Fire is just a cheap android tablet. Albeit, the most impressive of the many cheap android tablets. But still, a cheap android tablet.

Everybody has their gimmicks, but I don't consider this to be one of them. And I am sure many others would feel the same, especially those working in the graphic design industry. If you want to see gimmicks on computers, look at almost any PC.

Too many people take video games too seriously. This is just more evidence of that. And the fact that you say "gloves are necessary at this level to play right on iRacing" is just more proof, and don't even get me started on the sentence right after. Are you that obsessed with video games? Do you have nothing better

Personally, I consider the need for "racing gloves" to play a game rather pathetic. I understand gloves for golf, like ncasolo said. But this is like wearing golfing gloves and golfing shoes while playing wii sports.

True. But with the gloves, I can't help but think he lives in his parents' basement.

I say let them spend their money however they want. It is their money, not the government's.

Not sure if it is cool or pathetic that he is wearing racing gloves while playing a video game...

I think they can make a great companion when you already built your own desktop. Especially for taking notes in Evernote during class.

They are thieves... they probably don't know. They generally aren't the smartest people in the world haha


That's what I heard too