
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

The article you linked to mentions that it could still be adware. Either way, it is something the end user shouldn't worry about.

I personally like to separate my Maya windows from Photoshop and AE/Nuke. That gives me an easy way to model, texture, render, and composite all without clutter.

I agree, that is why I have all my hot corners set up under OS X. I tried to find a third party plugin for hot corners under Windows 7, but it did not work nearly as well. It was extremely laggy, made everything jump, and was very limited.

This is an argument I hear a lot. The problem with it is that I only hear this argument from people who know what they are doing with technology. Obviously not everybody knows what they are doing with technology and people have their own interests, some of which do not include technology. So people like to have a

When typing, your hands aren't on the mouse for obvious reasons. Making the use of a keyboard button much quicker.

I agree. I think Apple did that with Lion as well. They tried to make something better but ended up making it worse, they should have just left certain parts the way they were. Specifically Mission Control. It is a giant step backwards from the Exposé/Spaces combination.

Using a cursor just slows me down. The closer to get to a button, the slower you move. Then if you overshoot it, you have to go back to click the button. It is much quicker to just use the keyboard to hit a key. I don't really care whether or not they show it as long as you can still use the faster method of using the

Because leaving things alone is exactly how humanity progresses...

The main reasons would be SBSettings and Full Force.

It's not free, but check out TetherMe. It is a cheaper alternative to mywi.

The only people on here who ever use the terms "Apple fanboys" and "hipsters" are generally fat PC owners obsessed with video games and porn and will likely never get married. Have fun.

Totally agree with you. It is hard to find Apple supporters on here considering everyone is a die hard PC fanboy obsessed with video games. They dis Apple without anything to support their claims. Yet the most intelligent and thought out comments on here generally come from the small percentage of Apple supporters.

I think an 11 inch screen is a perfect companion to a desktop. And depending on the user's needs, an 11 inch may be all they need even without a desktop! Also, the 11 inch MBA has the same resolution as the 13 inch MBP. So in that sense, the 11 inch MBA will has a higher pixel density than other

I find it funny that people have to give qualifies so that other people won't insult other commenters. It just shows how awful people on the internet can be.

If you had a longer attention span then you would have noticed that my next desktop will not be a Mac.

Ya, having your arm straight isn't ideal either, but neither is reaching over halfway across the laptop. I think right in the middle provides the best balance for both right handers and left handers.

You made the same mistake as Nihilexistentialist by only looking at numbers on a piece of paper. It is more than components.

Because of course the only thing that matters are the RAM, CPU and and hard drive.

Ya, compare an HP Envy and a MBP with the same specs and the price difference is minimal. Then take into account resale value, much better OS (and ability to dual boot with bootcamp for you pc fanboys who play video games and watch pr0n all day), better support, better battery life, better build quality, and so much