At least people are finally trying to innovate themselves instead of stealing from other companies. I just don't think this will catch on. I think a majority of people will think it's kind of cool, but not practical. It really is just a gimmick.
At least people are finally trying to innovate themselves instead of stealing from other companies. I just don't think this will catch on. I think a majority of people will think it's kind of cool, but not practical. It really is just a gimmick.
The reason I bought my 4S is because my 3GS was getting too slow. The camera on the 4S is incredible and it is so much faster. Siri is just an added bonus that I have not had any problems with.
This is probably one of the better Twixtor videos I have seen, even better than the one they advertise on the product page. Generally you can see warping around areas of high contrast, but warping is extremely minimal in this, especially compared to so many other videos. Just go to youtube and look for a twixtor…
This is very tempting! I have been wanting to put an SSD in my MBP for a while now but this may be the way to go instead.
What happened to this???
If it is, it obviously worked since you read it.
Haha amen!
Link is only to a benchmark with facts smart one.
That is the exact same thing people said about the iPad. Yet there is still no real competition for the iPad and more and more of them sell each and every day than any other tablet on the market. And same thing with iPhones. There is a reason Apple holds the number 1 and 2 best selling smartphones in the world.
Hahaha look at the hypocrite.
Haha blaming Bush is so 3 years ago. Get with the program, its all Obama's fault.
I guess it is natural to try and defend a bad purchase of an Android phone ;)
You know nothing about iTunes match do you? iTunes Match and iCloud are separate. iTunes match will store 25,000 songs for $25 a year. So $2 a month? Oh dang, they are SOOOOOOOOOOO expensive.
Man, don't you just hate when bloggers express their opinions? And its so much worse when the reader isn't forced to read the article. I just hate that!
25,000 songs from iTunes match is $25 a year. iCloud is separate from iTunes Match. Also, you do not upload your songs, iTunes just matches your library with all the songs on iTunes so you don't have to upload 20,000 songs like you would have to do with Google Music.
Some would debate that 256kbps AAC sounds better than 320kbps MP3. Totally different codecs so they really are not comparable. And even if you want to compare them, consider size.
Let me know when an Android based smartphone becomes number 1 in the world. Or even number 2.