
I guess segway has to do SOMETHING to remain relevant. They cranked out their uber-expensive-and-huge scooter and, apart from roadside attractions or tours of epcot, they never caught on for “mainstream” use as they had least not in the consumer market. Mall cops I guess still use them. They are the

Because I like to live dangerously. That’s why.

He’s got some really sketchy techniques. Gloves with a sander, that “grinding” on the tablesaw, never moving the bandsaw blade guard... Some of that was hard to watch.

The “Achilles heel” is the worst. All of my dead chargers (5-6 over the years => over ~$500) died because of this weakness... I now learned how to be more careful about this part but I still feel nervous whenever someone else handles my charger ;)

Yeah, not a single shot of it holding it shape for more than a few seconds. Bullshit.

“...until the cloud it emits holds its exquisite shape and silently hovers mid-room for hours”

Am I the only one who wonders why even a few seconds of this wasn’t shown in the video? I find this claim extremely suspect. Clouds in the sky don’t hold their shape and are continually changing, so how would one hold it’s

Everyone here posting “what a nerd” or “what a stupid skill” comments who don’t have a world record of their own.

They sort of phoned it in on that one.

I’m glad Jezebel didn’t follow Gawker and post the actual photo as well (I posted this sentiment before seeing your post). I’m a real fan of not posting pictures of dead animals (especially pets) above the line.

Blake's hitch has superseded the taut line in the last couple of decades. Even easier to tie, less likely to bind, and the tail will never slip through (the taut line should always be tied with a stopper knot on the tail: tree climbers have been seriously injured when the tail slipped through and the hitch unraveled).

Rent out half the island to a Bond villain.

Agree - This article is bizarre; I cannot tell if its a deliberate mis-characterization of the article in the Atlantic, or reflects a sincere misunderstanding.

Please keep this political garbage on Gawker's main sight and away from Gizmodo. Thank you.

It's one thing to risk your life, but to put others in unnecessary harm is not cool. I hate to be Debbie downer, but this seems unnecessarily risky.

I do appreciate his craftsmanship and love for the craft, however I disagree with his view on what part of it is "Art". He seems to think that artists can't design puzzle layouts to be cut on something automated, which is a bit backwards... CNC machines don't know what a puzzle is let alone how to lay one out, and

Bacon doesn't kill people, lead poising does.

I thought those were tats until a closer look. Now I am concerned he should be wearing arm nets.

To the best of my knowledge we don't get any referral from this. I just thought it was a cool take on a teapot.