
Did every single one of those videos play automatically for anyone else? It was like I was in some sort of unintelligible Jon Stewart nightmare...

And we're done.

Leaving at room temperature for 24hs? I'm a microbiologist, and trust me, you really, really don't want to do this... Not only for healthy reasons, but are also going to ruin the quality of your steak. And please don't say that this will give you a nice maturation of the steak. Maturation is a very controlled process,

Dude, I like Alton Brown, but seriously, that's nearly raw.

That stunt with the untested hand glider and Isabella with no training at all at hand gliding was almost too much to believe.

it looks like the string deflects more than half way towards the neighbor. Makes me wonder if the strings can actually collide during play.

So did anyone else sit there for like 2 minutes waiting for the damn plane in the .gif to take off?

The fact that we never see Karl Urban's eyes is actually a selling point when it comes to making a Dredd movie though. While the film told a contained story, it allowed them to set up an understandable geography and then exploit it for some very fun scenes. And it was nice to have an action film where the course

The reality is the complete opposite of what's being portrayed. We're often told that the kids who get bullied will be the bosses one day. Completely untrue. If they're smart, they have a chance. But what actually happens is that the bullies become the bosses. They're the ones with all the friends. They network the

So VH1's answer to bullying is for the kid who's being bullied to grow up to be a bully?

Actually, the list of job requirements, include the hygiene and behavioral codes, is directly tied to whether these ladies were employees, independent contractors or volunteers. Employment law arcana, maybe, but definitely relevant to the legal case. I think the level of detail, particularly vis-a-vis firing

These things fucking suck. We have them in Milwaukee and all they do is dump some tar coated gravel in potholes, nothing gets smushed down, it sticks to your tires and flings everywhere, and during the next winter the loosely packed SHIT gets scraped right off by the plows. Government incompetence at it's best; ie,

When it comes to Base Jumping, if the structure is taller doesn't that make it LESS impressive?

His math is based on the government using inkjet printers and paying retail prices for ink. They don't. They contract out or have in-house printing plants that use offset or web presses for the vast majority of their printing jobs.