
"I love Evangelion, but I just thought I would recommend Rahxephon, as well. It's like the original Evangelion series, except you don't want to repeatedly punch the main character every time he is on the screen"

In this case, the dumb ass is me, for misreading the post. Doh!!!! I missed the negation. Mea Culpa.

"What are the chances people are going to stop using paracetamol products though?"

"Is the other big placebo news article of the day, that acetaminophen for back pain is no better than placebo:"

Oh, did you just use capital letters? Well, then it MUST be true.

Well, they might also build a robot.

"Greenpeace is the last organization I would trust on any issue."

"From experience as a baker, these things have to taste like burnt butthole...."

Not happy to say this, but he will not have an average lifespan.

"The real discussion here, is that god damn vertical filming of it on your phone. Phones should auto rotate the camera to film in landscape."

Puh-leeze. The example of L. Ron Hubbard was only to show how meaningless sales numbers might be.

Indeed, you will find that a great many of the more successful self-published authors employed professional editors to vet their work before it was released—-realizing the importance of the editorial process.

"I'm not sure that encouraging them to bypass the critical processes really accomplishes that."

"Out of the tens of thousands of self-published books there are bound to be a handful of decent ones. They are not a counter-argument against the need for the editorial process nor the objective validation it provides."

"When you are self-publishing unedited ebooks for 99 cents each, there is little chance you are meeting the same standards as most traditionally published authors."

Cool, I've always wanted to be crushed to death under a pile of environmentally friendly eco-bricks hastily assembled into a crude, multi-story, poorly-renforced masonry structure.

So, instead of a wedge cut, that leaves a single surface exposed, he cuts it so *two* exposed surfaces are created, and he assumes that mushing the cake back together will keep it fresh? I wonder how he cuts bread? Does he take a slice out of the middle and put the two halves of the loaf together? I wonder how *that*…

"Yet Betamax won the professional market as an archival format."

"The trays also come with a spongy plastic coating on top that does away with the need for messy (and bulky) paper liners."

Pedant Fight!!!