
While I’ve never done that, I have wrote “Are you fucking kidding me” legal briefs, and boy are they satisfying to write. It’s always fun when you secretly write a brief so that “you fucking idiot” could go at the end of most declarative sentences.

I miss Michael K’s posts on Dlisted. 

The only part about being a lawyer that sounds appealing to me is to to write terse letters in lawyer-speak telling people to fuck off and die

Re: that John Stamos item.

I think this pretty much sums it up.

Only one of them puts in the actual work!

“Jezebel dot cromb”

This is amazing.

I was going to recommend that, but they are not fast. 

That’s actually what I loved about Queen Latifah’s movie. Her character just happened to be plus size because that’s how Queen is but the movie wasn’t making any jokes about it. She was simply beautifully and unapologetically dressed for her body type and the story  moved along. That’s how it should always be.

Hello Rebel:

Sounds like somewhere in the Pacific Northwest would work for you? Or maybe even Colorado? I’m in LA and I like really manly guys.  I have dated a few ‘rugged’ who live on the west side and surf.  Everyone here is crazy, though, so be warned. ;) 

How in the world is No!Wire!Hangers! grayed? She has been here forever.

So I’ve been compiling a sort of “ungrey” list over the past week. A list of members in the greys that should probably be perma-ungreyed by now. I’m probably missing a bunch of people, so feel free to add more suggestions in this thread. And hopefully a member of staff actually comes in here to see it and considers

My open-heart surgery is officially scheduled for December 11, barring me coming down with the flu or something. So yeah. NOW I’m scared.

They just don't believe black women are women, period. I'm done with this fuckery.

She claimed to be the first plus sized woman to be the star of a rom com. That was not in any way true. Shove your sarcasm. Black people have a right to fight against their erasure. You sound more like a right-wing troll than someone making an honest comment. 

Obviously it was held over until today in celebration of my birthday. I’m 48. Yikes.

Mo’Nique: “I wish you the best.”