
Where’s my eyeroll emoji when I need it?

I am 48 and I have MediCARE and have for 4 years.

Lucky for me I guess, I wasn’t diagnosed with celiac disease until we moved back from Europe to the states. I don’t see us getting to go back to Europe so I guess it won’t be a problem. Thanks for the info. I’m pretty new to this, it’s only been a few months.

Does celiac disease automatically make you intolerant to dairy or just some people? Sorry if I’ve asked this before.

Before moving to the Puget Sound, we lived in Germany for 10 years where we had the same weather (rain) and the same beautiful, green forests all year round and I loved it. It’s one of the reasons we choose to move here, we were already used to the weather. If you want the lush, beautiful trees, you gotta put up with

Because SHE knows it’s him and she has to see it every day. That’s why I’ll never get a tattoo of my husband or his name and we’ve been married 21 years.

Seriously. I could give her a list of 20 great tattoo artists right now. None of which would do a fucking tango dancing couple where the man is made of stars, but whatever.

I did too and I wasn’t let down. They are horrible. The schadenfreude is divine!

I welcome you to Washington state where we have legal marijuana for your pain and if that doesn’t work we have death with dignity laws when it all gets to be too much. That’s why I moved here anyway. I am sorry for your suffering, no one should have to go through that.

The coconut rice is everything! Just consider it an afternoon. Make it and get comfy on the couch and eat the whole fucking pot of it. You can do it, I have faith.

I agree with you.

That’s weird. She presents herself as a strong woman. She ought to be strong enough to address this subject as well, just once even and then she could block people if she felt like it.

Has she never said anything about it since then? I know people have got to be calling her out on twitter.

<Pricks finger> Old weirdos forever!

Of course! Plus you love Nightvale. I love Nightvale. What could be better?

Is it the fact that he’s in his 50's and having sex that offends you or that he’s going to be a father that turns your stomach? Do only “sexy” people in your world get to actually have sex? What is the age limit for people to become a parent as opposed to a grandparent? There’s so much to unpack in your comment.

Yup, 48 and all I wear is Doc Martens and Chucks. And Birkenstocks in the summer sometimes, because they feel really nice.

I wish you could see the look of horror and amazement on my face. WTF have I just seen? I can’t believe that’s real.

Spoken like a true attempted rapist.