
She is freaking adorable! I’m so happy she’s doing so good. I come here every Saturday just to check on her progress. And she has a pretty great mom too.

I was about to say the same thing. I can whip the Docs, Levis, sweatshirt and bra off in under 60 seconds on a good day. Fucking Doc Martens and all those laces.


Aww.. thanks. I’m trying.

You bet. Today we’re making macaroons.

Holy crap! Really? He’s 4 now, so he’s pretty much got the eating thing down. But I’ll definitely keep my eyes on him. Thanks for the warning.

No meds on an empty tummy, unless directed to do so! :)


That’s what I came for!

I taught my toddler grandson to call those “night cheese”. Now when he spends the night, before he goes to bed, he runs to the fridge and grabs the red cheese and sings the night cheese song.

I think they hate women that much.

Well fuck my dad, he’s an asshole.

I’m sorry to see you leave Kate, but really happy to have seen your heartfelt dancing. It was a gift.

That seems like a really good idea. I like to talk about things and my husband likes to talk about nothing. Ever. It’s been a little difficult these last 22 years. I’m going to bring up your idea. It would help when I can’t get in to see my therapist for two weeks. :)

I used to order shit after I’d taken my ambien all the time and not remember it. That got old real quick. And expensive.

Just going by what my dermatologist recommends. These age spots are hard to burn off. Better you should never get them.

I really liked this show, I tried to watch this season but it was just too much.



I’m trying to picture in my mind how that works. Woody Allen + ego fest. Does not compute. What does he have to be egotistical about? See I’ve already spent way too much time thinking about that disgusting little man. Let’s talk talk about something more pleasant like kittens or euthanasia.