
The advantage of a big-tent two-party system is that it simplifies the process of partisanship and turns it into a zero-sum closed system. This is a thing that is lost on Americans, I think, because we’ve (largely) never had to deal with multi-party coalition politics in the way that other major powers have had to.

Seriously with this bullshit? fuck your coronavirus, it’s not even a dent of what famine & starvation cause on a daily basis, HIV tolls in africa or feminicides happen in mexico on a daily basis. This is some privileged white people bullshit you can do better than this lifehacker.

Step 1) Turn off the TV
Step 2) Use your head and think rationally

Its a two step programs.  Warning, this may make you a logical person immune to fear-mongering from irrational pundits in search of the next crisis.  This risks turning you into a conservative tho, so you may want to hug the echo chamber instead :)

Why are you blaming the country?  Democrats were the ones who didn't vote for her. 

Before laying the blame at the feet of climate change, I want to see an explanation of how this set of fires was definitely caused by climate change, while the 1974-75 fires, which burned an order of magnitude more acreage, weren’t. And account for contributing factors like the government policies that allowed

These are the first 5 images that popped up on Google. Miss me with that 90% bullshit. And I’m tired of it with any person that is being talked about in a negative way, Trump included (and I can’t stand Trump). If you have to resort to silly pictures, you’re a shit journalist because you can’t get your point across

“95% of the country didn’t like her, they must all be fucking sexist!” is a pretty shaky argument, tough guy.

I find it the sentiment voiced here that someone out there is somehow responsible for helping people raise their kids to adulthood to be entitled and dangerous.

Oh I just thought I was here for some geekdown - not some fucking political rag.

So what’s up with all this hypersexual cosply from women? Aren’t we supposed to be fighting against male gaze shit like cleavage armor? Isn’t all this just celebrating these hypersexualized female characters?

Well, I guess they don’t understand much about his policies.  He wants to raise all their taxes.

Or just not bring up Nazis at all? Except when talking about actual Nazis. 

The term ‘Latinx’ reeks of not understanding the spanish language.

This Latinx thing has to stop. It’s white Anglo cultural imperialism, trying to impose English linguistic norms on the language of the underclass. I am actually slightly shocked to see someone with a Spanish surname using it; I would surmise that the writer did not grow up in the language.

exactly, as a Latino hearing this is appalling. Go on reddit and see what Latinos think of “latinx,” stop adding white labels to our people.

You have a typo in your title. I think you mean Latino voters. Latinx isn’t a thing and will never be a thing, no matter how much you left-wing idiots in the media hope to make it a thing. No self-respecting latino on earth would ever use the term. Get over it. 

don’t you mean Nevadx?

Abortion is murder and obviously the bigger sin.  Both are repulsive.