
The Root definitely hates White people, not sure what your point is here?

So all of you who commented on this thread are throwing out you makeup too, right?

Doesn’t this very website allow fan contributions without compensation for their content?

I’m pretty sure wishing people dead makes you a horrible person. 

So no one here is going to talk about how the WHO is basically the propaganda wing for the communist party in China? Ok then.

How’d the fucker die?

**Rolls eyes** the people here don’t care what lane you are in. If you aren’t their race they hate you. The sooner you learn that the better.

Tell it to the millions of day laborers in India, lady. You “acknowledge your privilege” but fail to internalize the meaning of the phrase. You have no right to be angry with all the advantages you have. This anger is self centered and selfish. Perhaps you should use some of that “privilege” to help those who have no

You all pay attention to some stupid crap.

Can we get one of these articles about Eid as well or are you only comfortable with CHRISTIAN bashing?

Can we quit with the corona virus fear mongering yet?

I find it the sentiment voiced here that someone out there is somehow responsible for helping people raise their kids to adulthood to be entitled and dangerous.

I hope that the next movie you see in the theater has a 5 minute Bloomberg for President infomercial in the middle of it.

Don’t you mean a man’s or woman’s or genderqueer person’s penis?

Pretty sure the Arc is a ‘he’.

Pretty sure the Arc is a ‘he’.

Pretty simple murder is worse than rape. What’s so  hard to understand?

Jezzies are the worst the internet has to offer.

You are wrong.

Of course the answers to all situations and questions is “buy more crap”. Whatever.

Of course the answers to all situations and questions is “buy more crap”. Whatever.

Lying for personal and professional gain seems like a downside to me.