
I 100000000% agree with this. But I also think there’s a difference between, “I hope you don’t mean me (because my ego couldn’t take it!)” and “I hope you don’t mean me because I’ve put a lot of effort into introspection and listening to women before I comment, but if I’ve still blown it, I’m willing to hear that and

Hey Zukka, I’m using this opportunity to give some friendly advice.

I get it. It gets a little crowded here sometimes & I don’t really know who is who & rarely have the energy to mine ppl’s history to figure out their motivation. I spent the past few days calling out trolls on the Root, more than contributing anything meaningful. I loved one of Michael Harriot’s clapback responses

Isn’t it amazing the difference that even just a dab of tinted moisturizer makes? Makeup is magic.

I recommend gong to Sephora and getting take-home samples of any primer you may be interested in (they’ll put some in a tiny little pot for you) and use a different one each day until you find something that works. Like I said, you may be best suited for something in the smashbox family—I used them for a while. I use t

I actually appreciate the men who comment here. These are good ones who bother to read and respect our comments, and allow themselves (often) to be schooled in the process. This said, I did star your posts and others, because I totally got what you were expressing. ♡

Thinking about changing my name to PermaGrayCosI’mAWoman.

He and my hubby can get t-shirts. Mr. TallDark&Handsome(ly enraged) jokes that he doesn’t read Jez, he hears it.

Sephora has a couple of mini brushes—the pro-mini flawless airbrush is really much better suited for liquid foundation though.

I am 31 years old and bought (and started wearing) makeup for the first time ever in my life three weeks ago.. A little late to the game, and nothing fancy but I feel so *pretty* haha. It’s nice to have something to cover up the gross acne that I was TOLD would go away in my 20s....

Try elf! I use them almost exclusively and I am certain they have a retractable kabuki brush or such for ~$5.

Pretty sure this is beauty related, I finally found someone who can cut my hair without making disparaging remarks. Ugh, your hair is so straight. Your hair has no bend to it all! Your hair is so fine!

Ok. Fuck Daren Aronofsky for this wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.

What makes this shitstain even worse is that there is a good horror film to be made from this material - but this isn’t it.

It sucks so bad I am astonished anyone greenlit it in 2017. And I’m really pissed off that Jennifer

They’re hypocrites since they do the same as what they complained about. But isn’t you being bothered hypocritical too in some way if it didn’t bother you back then?

(not to make light of this topic) it’s like classic abuser technique isn’t it? Treat them badly, hurt them, then do or say something nice that benefits them to get them to trust you and never leave. It’s scary.

I know this isn’t necessarily related, but just wanted to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the administration.

It was the juggalos. They did this. Somehow.

this is so incredibly sad. the medical system is broken and so is everything else if someone would make this choice.