
Counterpoint: the Elon story is A++++++!!!

“hell is other people.”

Glad I skipped to the comments. Saved 5 mins!

Sadly, the author might be looking for work next week. I’m all for nonsense click baity titles to pad the resume.

The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.

At least they won’t have to stop bashing Donald Trump.

That was WAY more amazing then I was expecting. Holy geocities, good find.

As someone from the area, a million thank yous for pointing out there is no place called “South Detroit.” I've been doing this for years but need others to help with the fight.

Oh, yeah...that’s the stuff. Thank you for the greatest post on Jezebel ever, Ellie. btw, why haven’t they made Turkish oil wrestling an olympic event? Seems like some kind of anti-Turk bigotry to me.

I unironically love Coldplay, and I don’t care who knows. Disagree?

been paying for years. still beats the fuck outta paying for cable! and commercial free is SO WORTH IT!!!

In short, this is an adventure in Ross Douthat’s apocalypse of sexually liberated women and laws designed to harm families, but with a happy ending only he could write. Imagine if God met the man at Yale, but then took him to Hot Topic.

Falcon Crest!


I for one am shocked that the Trump family has lied during this election season

You’re beautiful; this comment is really, really, great- it's the best comment. It’s making KINJA great again!

This comment deserves all the stars. It’s amazing. It is the best comment.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

If you leave him, point your boy Vin to the GoFundMe. I'll donate and share that link like herpes at Ibiza.