
I fucking hate people who just complain about their teammates incessantly, like it's everyone else's fault he sucks.

You know what? Good if it has an attempted rape scene. For christ's sake, if they want to make a mature game it should have mature themes and subject matter.

Do you have any idea what the previous games in the series were like? It's a medieval thieving game, what the christ do you expect the guy to use, threatening insults?

My wife is going to pee herself in anticipation, Thief 2 is her favorite game of all-time.

That Resident Evil 6 Giraffe-gets-a-BJ logo is fucking hilarious. That's exactly what it looks like.

Of course they say that, otherwise 3DS sales would nosedive until the new version came out.

I liked Rant, it just didn't hit the top five. I've only read it once right after it first came out, though (a rarity for me), so it may move up the list when I get back around to it again. I haven't gotten around to Tell All or Damned, either (mostly because I need paperback copies so I won't damage the 1st editions).

I totally disagree it's nothing special, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation after millions of copies sold. It was a shot in the arm for the entire genre, PC releases included. I've been a PC gamer for about 30 years, am by no means a "console kid", and Halo is right up there with Crysis, Stalker, and

My list is:

I have to disagree. They clearly say the engineers were on ice for 2,000 years, which gives the Jesus implication. It's not spelled out, and just vague enough to work, at least for me.

3D. It was filmed in 3D, but also just filmed as a normal movie, so Scott doesn't waste time flashing shit in front of your eyes. It just kind of adds a little to the movie, you almost don't notice it after a while.

I read a detailed investigation into the subtext, and the movie makes a lot more sense to me now. I knew going into it that it was filled with symbolism/metaphor, so I really tried to keep an eye/ear out, but you really can absord only so much at first viewing.

LV 421 and LV 223 are two different planets. I don't think there's meant to be a direct Prometheus-followed-by-Alien timeline, they're actually talking about a Prometheus Trilogy.

The only snack wrap I'll touch from McDonald's is the ranch fried chicken version, which can actually be pretty tasty depending on the competency of the employee preparing the wrap (if the fuck up the construction, too much or too little sauce, it really ruins it). The angus beef and Big Mac wraps make me nauseous

I have both systems, but only bought a PS3 after the Slim/price drop. The PS3 really does have, as a whole, better exclusives. But market timing (and a superior library for some time on the 360), price, and I think mostly XBL made the difference.

I've played Apples-to-Apples before . . . The only real fun I get out of that game is being the judge, because it's utterly subjective and you can just play games with people and then make your niece win.

I don't know, I think I would rather consoles develop their own MMO control schemes instead of mimicking the dated PC tropes of the genre. I mean, DC Universe played pretty well on PS3, typing aside, and I'm genuinely sick of playing the same exact MMO with a different skin for going on 8 years.

Okay, you're obviously about 12 years old, right?

Not all PC games, especially older ones, support all resolutions or aspect ratios. I agree with the second part.

I think it's important to differentiate that the console and PC lines were much more defined, as opposed to the blurry cross-development that takes place nowadays.