Of COURSE it’s bad! Very bad! And stupid! At Jalopnik, anything those bad, bad, stupid Republicans do is bad and stupid.
Of COURSE it’s bad! Very bad! And stupid! At Jalopnik, anything those bad, bad, stupid Republicans do is bad and stupid.
I had a car fire once: a Jaguar E. It did not occur to me to park the car neatly and take photographs. Puddles: coolant, or accelerant?
I was quite poor in high school, and offered to recruit paying students for the “Tecnic Ecole de Conduite” in Quebec in exchange for my own lessons. Somehow they figured that I should also teach the theory classes, which I did, and then the driving lessons, which I did, long before I had my own license. (Though there…
Awesome! And the tail of a Maserati biturbo. Perfect for hauling my Republican tuchus to Jalop Re-education camp!
This is news. Honor killings aren’t.
Needs a turbine...
I think this is Tampa. I see motorcyclists do stuff like this all the time - it’s absolutely normal. I ride a ‘69 Harley with drum brakes and have no interest in aggressive riding. Whether the handgun is “legal” or “illegal” has no bearing on anything: We have a right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms. The riders…
The same questions have haunted me. (I own an antique Harley that does only three things well: go, rattle, and leak. It does not stop.) Fortunately these problems are well understood by sailors who know that just as some say all men are “a little gay,” (not me, though, surely,) every sailboat is a compromise (roughly,…
Thank you for joining us Mr. Tamura. How does metallurgy or more generally the choice of alloys factor into your thinking? I am interested to know how you stay on top of the problem of transferring substantial amounts of power to the wheels while keeping things (the drive-train, for instance,) light and small.
Why did the van leave the trailer behind? Evidently they did not have the monee to get degas to make the van go.
Delightful to see all the Jaguar replies. I am thrilled to report that my 3rd Jaguar, X300 (97 XJ6) really is “finally” sorted out. I could only love my smart and complicated wife; I could only really love a car that was just as complicated and... Just as fun to pretend to possess. I own other cars but nothing...…
We adhered for some time to a “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights” over what we now call “probable cause.” Americans will not accept a police state. Frankly, “Driving (Americans using American roads at will) is a Privilege” is a very new and foreign idea.
.22 .25 .303
Amusing and thought-provoking comments on this thread about the long and short-term psychological and geopolitical effect of vehicle aesthetics are why I treasure the Jalopnik community. Every day I learn something new from folks I respect. Thanks!
LOL I bet you consider NPR to be a “voice for positive social change” rather than a “state agency.”
Brethren is plural, I think.
You were lecturing me about not having read a book, or about reading comprehension. I have not read this book, but I know Alex Roy and of his “record,” which I think is cool, and another involved peripherally in this story. It was not my intention to give you the impression I was therefore…
But did they have the monet to get de’gas, to make the van go?
Please forgive me “bitchfist,”... I did not see or read “The Driver” I merely knew some of the people involved.