I think she meant “character” as in the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual - or lack thereof. LOL!
I think she meant “character” as in the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual - or lack thereof. LOL!
“Her comments in Colorado were intended to applaud the historic game and all women athletes.”
This crap about winners meeting the president needs to stop. Trump already took a shit on that tradition with fast food. A lot of the Golden State Warriors didn’t even go. I can’t imagine LSU wanting to go at this point. Iowa probably doesn’t want to either for the same reason.
If I was LSU, I’d skip out. I ain’t sharin the stage with losers just cos everybody’s butt-hurt the glorious White savior lost.
“She means well” — no, she doesn’t. She’s actively trying to center whiteness. She knows better, and she’s doing it anyway.
I could maybe see this being valid if Biden invited both South Carolina and Connecticut last year (or, barring COVID restrictions, Stanford and Arizona in 2021). But otherwise? Hard pass.
Something tells me this wouldn’t have happened had Iowa won. I know she means well, but after 8 years in the Obama administration....
That’s like The Apprentice when the brother Randal Pinkett won and TRump wanted co-champuions because the white woman failed so miserably. I mean, she put on a fundraiser and didn’t raise any funds!
“Shortly after Biden made this appalling statement”
This isn’t some 1st grade recess activity where “Everyone Plays”.
“And Clark knows damn well that when you dish it out, you have be able to take it.”
Seeing how they don’t get payed, I think it’s a great idea.
I’m a South Carolina grad/fan, so granted, I’m biased against Iowa anyway for the nonsense of our game with them and the referees calling the game in a way that showed preference to Iowa’s style of play and disadvantaged our women. So I’m not exactly neutral here. I’m also white, which I feel like warrants stating…
There is this platform. It’s called YouTube. There’s several video essays there that spell this all out for you.
Loving trump requires having long lost shit.
Trump lovers are gonna lose their shit.
Most of the idiots criticizing her watched the 2nd half of that game and that’s the first and only women’s basketball they’ve ever watched.
We can only hope that he will eventually be held accountable for what he has done but it is very doubtful. If you just count how fucked the SC is due to GQP and Trump there is tremendous damage, let alone enabling countless acts of shittiness from his absolute shitbag followers. It's fucking ridiculous.
The easy part first - The Secret Service will never allow Trump to be paraded around in handcuffs. It makes for a horrible planning situation when they may need to evacuate his Royal Orangeness and having his hands bound makes it increasingly dangerous to those paid to protect his lumpy ass.