West is 100% in a rock-bottom spiral right now. He’s now going passive-aggressive. This whole manic phase is going to end with him naked in the street, screaming at the police who are doing everything they can to bring him in.
West is 100% in a rock-bottom spiral right now. He’s now going passive-aggressive. This whole manic phase is going to end with him naked in the street, screaming at the police who are doing everything they can to bring him in.
He’s sorry that the money is drying up. What a clueless human being.
Yeah, that’s an incredibly fucked-up thing for him to say.
oh no you fucking don’t.
Cry me a river dude! Go check yourself into a mental hospital and get the help that you need for crying out loud!
If you make this a date night , you either a fool or a genius.
The Community movie should end with a reveal that Matt Berry’s one off character orchestrated some or all of the plot for revenge. Maybe setting up a fake sequel.
I thought Gorillza didn’t do live shows anymore because it was too much of a strain on the animators?
May be enough to resurect him just for him to tell her to leave his name out of her mouth.
I bet the chapter on Tupac will be long. LOL
Becuase she needs another outlet to spew her craziness and hurt those around her? Great...
Good point: Brett Favre did steal the welfare money.
I mean, yeah, it was out there. She announced it last year on her IG and the Daily Beast did a whole story about it last August. But
who’s ainobody out here following Rachel Dolezal on socials and you know your people don’t read so that was easy to missit’s a slow news day, and we need to eat.
I dunno, she’s a bit stiff and cold now...
If a 96 year old human dies and your first thought is “I must blame a Black woman,” you might be a red neck racist.
Wait, Robert Downey Jr. is an asshole? Since when?
Even though I don’t have this type of reaction, this should have hundreds of upvotes. They’ve said fuck us for centuries... dead and alive.
Yes, because the stress of being a head of state is nothing, but her granddaughter in-law is clearly causing her (well caused) so she much stress by moving to the US with her kids and husband.
... and she’s passed away now. Trolls gonna troll, it’s all their tiny brains are equipped for. Basic human decency is beyond them