Ever notice how the vigilant, iron-hearted race warriors never choose to shoot up a corner-side drug dealer or a parking lot fight outside of a club? The brave defenders of the white race never shoot convicted felons right before they go to prison?
Ever notice how the vigilant, iron-hearted race warriors never choose to shoot up a corner-side drug dealer or a parking lot fight outside of a club? The brave defenders of the white race never shoot convicted felons right before they go to prison?
Uh oh! The first person to comment on MLK is a bitter grayed-out incel who likes to degrade civil rights heroes who were assassinated by white supremacists.
This is a non-story for two reasons - there is no way Mister Teeth is going to eat crow AND lose $2oo-$300M; like after two other high-cost divorces. His ego can’t take the hit. SH is still out here spinning complete BS on relationships:
“(though to be fair, Jerry might just have been salty that he couldn’t pick up a 17 to 19 year old any more).”
Word on the street is that the simp Master is doing anything possible to avoid the splitting his $400 M in a divorce (his 3rd or 4th, IIRC), and his wife is stone cold better at thinking like a man than Steve Harvey ever was.
Unlike his co-defendants, Floyd was unable to negotiate a bond before he surrendered. That means he’ll remain in jail until he can get a hearing. At this point, a judge could decide to issue him a bond agreement.
1 - No. Under the original strain of COVID, far more deaths occurred under Trump. After two different variants came out - which required new vaccinations - then the deaths continued. Not to mention the number of dumbass red state clowns who still stand on the misinformation that vaccinations personally are not really…
Nah... and the horse he rode in on.
Nah. My wife shaves my head weekly.
She needs to get her picker recalibrated - she accused 3 of her last 5 men of abuse and one of the non-abusers got into a public shoving match with another of her exes.
Hey - Fyre Fest 1 sold Blink 182 tickets for over $1000. McFadden is a criminal genius at scamming.
Bruh - the single most important life lesson from Beyonce is this -
So does Chick-fil-a release any employee with weaves, wigs, or hair dyes? Does Chick-fil-a fire WW who dye their hair different colors than their own natural hair? Technically, most employees over 40 YO should have gray hair showing.
Off topic:
I guess we only believe victims if they’re women.