
Actually that’s a big reason that giving up “sugar” is incredibly difficult. But I’m intrigued... do you consider milk to have an inflated amount of sugar because it has 10+ grams, or is that just a high amount?

I’m ditching chocolate over all sugar. It takes up 90% of my sugar consumption anyways :)

DAMN I have one of those shirts and love it and want 6 more. Does anyone have suggestions for similarly drape-y and soft basics?

This is brilliant. I’m doing this. As of now I’ve been doing the “birthday method” where, on their facebook birthday, you assess if you would say happy birthday to them or not. And if its a not, they’re gone.

OH NO! What on earth am I going to do without skitch? I use it at least 20 times a day!

One thing that my guy and I were thinking about is both changing our middle name to my current last name, and then last name to his. Its not perfect but it requires us both to sacrifice something for the sake of the whole.

The other day I mentioned this possibility off-hand to the boyfriend and he was *not* happy about it.
Arguments included:
- Well, I’m the oldest son in my family (I’m the oldest child too)
- You have brothers who would pass on your name! (I’ve got 2, he’s got 3 brothers)

I see the need to have a smallish emergency fund first (1 month? $1000?) to establish first before aggressively paying down debt. Putting emergencies on a credit card is one of the ways to get into debt. Its important to have the ability to break the cycle.

And just like that, you solved my mystery

When I forget my lunch I run to Saladworks and get a salad for $9.87 (with tax). If I remember my lunch I make a highly comparable salad for less than $4 (and that’s with buying overpriced lettuce at whole foods!)

... Yes

Every day I do this, and every day my boyfriend looks at me like I’m a crazy person.

My biggest issue with pitbulls is not the dogs themselves, but the fact that as a renter its almost impossible to find somewhere to live with a dog that looks anything like a pitbull. A few bad apples really spoiled it for everyone.

I’ve been miles for ages but post-injury I’m doing minutes during the week and miles on the weekend. Trying to do miles on busy weekdays when I’m oh-so-much-slower than before was an exercise in frustration!

I really want this song with Macklemore out and Eric Nally as the only part. Let me resume listening to Foxy Shazam.


Yes, omg yes.

This here is the one thing I desperately need to do. Saying “yes” to everything is just a way to wear yourself out. This attitude makes it a whole lot easier to curate.