
WAIT you’re my hero

I’ve got the paraguard and 28 days of the month I couldn’t be happier. The other 2 I want to rip my uterus out.

STOP I’m actually feeling things. This is embarrassing.

Are you me? Because I have dreams on the reg that Kourtney and I are besties

This is my jam, but despite my eager and genuine concern for manners, I still have no tact. The other day I introduced two people with “Now A, this is B, you actually both recently got back from Buddhist retreats!” and then I got pulled to the side to be told that “THAT IS NOT AN OK WAY TO INTRODUCE PEOPLE”.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please stop I can’t deal with this.

What was the dedication?

Its really different for every market! In the Boston area, most leases are September 1, and 60 days notice to move out is fairly standard. People start apartment hunting 2-6 months before they expect to move if they’re looking for September 1. Otherwise, 45-60 days is good.

I have a friend - a man, very intelligent, looks at the world in a particular hyper-logical lens - who I have been trying to explain this basic distinction to him for a long time. Its frustrating to have the answer always be “well, I feel safe?”

Ugh. Be more creative with your disparagement.

I work at a tech company.

You’re my favorite human being.

The couple minutes that my dad was “really” dying in the hospital, a nurse stood next to me and said “He’s actively dying right now” and those words, in their weird harsh absurdist real-ness, are one of the strongest memories I have of that day.

About a year and a half ago I did two things in the same month: quit hormonal BC and started therapy. I was a complete depressed wreck for months and now feel better than ever.

Getting rid of stuff feels therapeutic to me and always has. Creating empty spaces in my life leaves room for good things to enter, and taking a trash bag full of junk to the curb feels like I’m throwing out negativity. Hate all you want, but I love this shit.

Apart from the required 75% fail (grade quotas are not great long-term incentives), I’m with ya.

Tracy Anderson method: Die.

I’ve got a friend.

What was it?

And its gone!

And its gone!