Str8 Jonesin

I think I might find myself spending a lot less time here on Gizmodo with this new layout...which is really saddening because I actually really like Kotaku, it's rocking the same layout as well. This reminds me alot of Digg v4 that caused Digg to spiral into irrelevance.

Now I've seen Best Buy papers get facts terribly wrong and I'm almost willing to bet that what they are tying to say is to turn on WiFi mobile hotspot, you have to buy at least a one month data subscription. It just makes NO SENSE for WiFi (a hardware function) to be locked down until you purchase a one month data

Agreed full heartedly. I was even contemplating swallowing a $699 price for the device because it's comparable to the 32G iPad w/ 3G, but $799? That's a tough pill to swallow and I don't like swallowing pills at all! Now, all eyes are on LG w/ their G'Slate, huge bezel and all.

@Stuart Cooper: More like the Hacker profile is most certainly not a "she".

@Horusz: "because it was the coolest phone at the time"

Seems like I've been using facebook all wrong seeing as I haven't gotten any in almost a year... :(

Now when does this game come out again? Feb. 17th? That gives me 13 days (shipping and handling time not included) to Rosetta Stone myself some japanese!

@thechansen: I agree to an extent...I just don't see a need for both. If you got an iPad, get an android phone for the android experience. If you get a Xoom (or other android tablet), get an iPhone/iPod. Just my opinion though; probably because I don't have money to put out for every new device that I want :`(

@Cwbejar: For tablets, it easily looks like this is gonna be the one to hold out for. Smartphone wise, I'd go either G2(for keyboard) or Nexus S for T-mobile if you want that stock android experience. If you just want something to wet your Android chops, then Evo or Droid X if you want a large screen (Evo's my

@redman042: Naw...but I'd much rather them say "If you absolutely must pick up a 7-inch Android tablet immediately, the Nook Color is better at this very moment." Or something along those lines. I had a feeling the Streak 7 was gonna suck the moment I saw it at CES.

@dirtyasianslut: I do too. I love Sony tech, but they have a way of screwing up.

As someone before said, history repeats itself. I gotta think back like 6 years when the DS was announced and then the PSP was announced. I was so excited about the DS, then completely lost interest in the DS when the PSP was announced, but ended up getting the DS first and loved it, bought a PSP when it came out,

@doeman: Not sure what type of browser it'll be, but most likely it's a webkit browser similar to the one on Android phones.

@Durfee: Actually, I really wouldn't mind taking my console with me. Hell, if they could make it where I leave a game in my PS3, put it in sleep mode and pick up where I left off at on the NGP, that would be fucking lovely! I'd truly never have a life then!

@SKiTz: We've yet to see battery life expectancies from the NGP let alone these dual core beasts that Motorola are releasing. Unless you want to be carrying around a giant brick or companies invest in some money to create a new type of longer lasting battery, I think they'll for the most part stick to the single

@UI 2.0: Sweet. All I need now is a price. If this thing is under $300, I'll be having me a NGP plz!

@amit916: I thought that I read somewhere that the NGP had 3D support...or maybe I was just hoping too hard.

@UI 2.0: I don't know, but I almost wish that it was without 3G. I know we don't have to use it if we don't want to, but just having it in the device brings the price up. I'll just be using my Droid Bionic and WiFi Tether to play at LTE speeds and keep that extra money in my pockets.