@SKiTz: Really? We're just now getting to dual core powered phones and you seriously think we'll be up to quad cores come the end of the year?
@SKiTz: Really? We're just now getting to dual core powered phones and you seriously think we'll be up to quad cores come the end of the year?
@PositivelyGreg: That's wonderful!
Voted Mass Effect 2...
@TylDurden: I prefer Melee as well. I got SSB64 when it first came out and played it like an hour or 5 everyday for a full year so if they port it to the 3DS I wouldn't be sad, but Melee was the best entry in the series. Brawl disappointed.
Not sure what the outcome's gonna be between RDR and ME2 on Monday, but imo, Mass Effect 2 wins GOTY hands down and I hope that ME3 does the same thing!
@Ash Paulsen: Though their sacrifice would feel cheapened, but if they did throw in some fan service for Fang and Vanille, I'd definitely check this out!
@Ryan_the_D: Yep, still liking Lightning's look. But to each his own I guess.
@mr_godot02: I agree full heartedly! Mass Effect 2 game out in January of 2010 and even in January 2011, I still love the game. It had massive saying power and should be in consideration for one of the greatest games of all time right along with Greand Theft Auto III, Super Mario 64, and Final Fantasy VII.
@subnet6: "on camera" Who knows how she was off camera. But I genuinely love looking at Olivia Munn. She's a pretty girl with a tight body. Don't find her funny at all (Kevin Periera made that show w/ Haislip when ever she was on) but she played to her strengths: her sexuality.
@bigredgambler: And then she had a baby so that means bigger boobs! She's just full of WIN.
@Link2187: It's unanimous! All except for some of the stiffs above, but majority approves of it as do I.
@Dezerus Richardson: I like it as well. I lol'd so hard when I read this. That way, Giz could have reviewed the Nokia N8 and had it under this topic.
@Almightywhacko: I was wondering the same thing...why not Chrome? What up wit dat, Motorola?
@AqueousBeef: But the Palm Folio....naw, I'll leave it alone.
@lllbarllllcodelll: Built in Tom?
@GohanEgret: Bad Girl kicked my ass plenty of times in the game...and her theme song is the main reason I didn't mind it one bit. It was easily the best in both the games (second and third bests would have to be Dr. Naomi's in the first NMH and then the clothing shop in NMH2).
I...am officially confused now.
@lllbarllllcodelll: Motoblur? AT&T can have it! NEXT!
I love the idea of this, but they seriously need to work on its form factor. That thing's hideous!
@MasterxAce: I'll take an Angus Bacon Cheeseburger and a large Coke? Oh you mean, this is a TV? I thought it was a new 3D ordering system!