
“Interface with” instead of “talk to”.
Not the same kind of thing, but I have a co-worker who uses the word “download” to mean “anything done on a computer”. Print, copy, email, scan. It’s all “downloading”.

40 hours really isn’t that long for a PC game in my opinion. I am also married with a full time job and I still play usually 1-2 hours of gaming a night. 40 hours would only take me 2-4 weeks. That doesn’t seem that long at all.

That’s like the people who insist that they are not swayed by advertising, not one bit. First of all, that’s highly dubious, and secondly, how would you even know.

“Russians didn’t change my vote” - Every Trump voter I have encountered so far. Nope they just made you think there was a race war in Houston

Zach Miller: [wakes up in hospital after surgery]

at first I was going to say ahhhh F*ck off but I guess you make a good point :***( it won’t be riddn


5 guys is infinitely better than In-N-Out. If you disagree let me know and we can arrange a meet up somewhere to fight, where the loser has to eat their weight in the lesser chain’s burgers and fries

Damn, how much more burning can California take?

His point about non-linear throttles is accurate, but not really relevant. Almost all new cars use throttle by wire and the ECU can very easily linearize the throttle response or otherwise tailor it to however they want it to respond. Also, even older cable actuated throttles had an eccentric that would at least slow

Nothing will be done until either we’re all tangentially related to a shooting victim or we’re all dead.

Clearly this only thing that is going to prevent something like this from happening is for us, as a country, to double down and really dedicate ourselves to sending houghts and prayers.

53% of white women voted Trump. There’s a lot of female creep-enablers out there.

I just keep hearing the theme song to “Crossfire” every time that word pops up.


Because after 9/11 this country went all-in on fellating anyone wearing a uniform. This is the end result-sporting events become weird nationalistic rallies and any criticism of police or the military is verboten.

All people are worried about is that monthly payment. If they can fit that 500$ car payment in next to their 27000GB of data, 3 cups of whatever starbucks is cooking that day, and feeding those 3 little screaming bastards in the back seat then who cares? Do you think they give a rats fat ass that they may wind up

The vast majority of it are people who want more car than they can afford.

Good god, where is someone getting a 29% auto loan, an Indian casino? I understand needing a car to get around, but that’s just nuts.