Not much has changed then...
Yup. I like her too, but she doesn't really have much range. And, look, she's young, and working is the best training for an actor in a lot of ways, but she could use with a bit of studying and more formal training or at least a role that would really require her to do some real work rather than just being sort of…
I like J-Law but I think her acting ability is pretty overhyped. She's been given good roles and good material. She's not the next Meryl Streep (in my opinion). More of a Julia Roberts. Who is also excellent in good roles (like Erin Brokovich), but hardly the greatest actress in Hollywood.
I can't blame them. They hit the parental jackpot; and life's too short not to drive supercars, if your parents can afford it
I had a pager, which is a constant source of LOL between me and my high school friends now. My BFF used to page me with "911" all the time even if it was just to talk on the phone. Teenagers are so fucking dramatic.
I graduated high school in 2003, and I was in the age where most of us didn't have cell phones until college (or we borrowed our parents', or something). I mentioned elsewhere but I have siblings who are 10 and 12 years younger than me and the entirety of their social lives are structured COMPLETELY differently than…
Articles like this- well-researched, nuanced, adding historical context to today's topics, sharply analyzed, and well-written- are my favorite part of the Jez: The Next Generation
I'm DYING to know what that was all about with Riri and Katy Perry.
I wish I could claim my favorite 'shade' moment of all time, but alas... Friends A & B hated each other. Friend A (who I admit was extremely obnoxious) received a Mercedes as a gift from her father and was extraordinarily proud of it. Friend B knew it was a Mercedes but her first comment to A about it was: "I love…
Didn't Tebow routinely go down on his knee and pray after scoring a touchdown? I don't recall him ever getting penalized for that...
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."
If I die today, my parents would say the same thing. The fact that I am a terrible asshole will never even enter into the picture; I'd suddenly be a saint. The bottom-line : ignore such letters. We saw what happened, Ward got out of his car and walked onto the track, approaching other cars. Saying that Tony Stewart…