
I think even the human characters are pretty decent. They're a little repetitive at parts, but everybody has a backstory, motivations, development. And good voice actors, too.

I mean, the companions in ME1 are boring as fuck.

Well, part of that complaint dovetailed with the implementation of Day One DLC, where the game was too short, and then they'd gouge you for twenty dollars the day the game came out with "additional content" that would have been part of the shipped game in the days before patches and expansions.

And if you look at chained CPI, a $60 game in 1990 is the equivalent of $111 in today money. So really they have to get more sales than they used to.

I really wished that Chris Pine had said "Oh my" when his lights went out in "Star Trek Into Darkness."

I do believe that these are the people who brought me Nuka Break.

Ben McKenzie should get more credit for his work in this movie, too. How he keeps getting bottled up on teen and genre fare on Fox and basic cable is beyond me.

And that leaves Garak the only named Cardassian left to lead the people.

Dude, "Living Witness."


It does actually improve, especially towards the end when DS9 is gone and they're the only Trek in town.

That's my favorite part of puberty, when you turn into Tony Todd.

Yeah, it becomes more egregious when you start to think about how could Rom possibly have let all his friends hang out to dry like that… and his own SON.

"Hey Worf, sorry you didn't get any flashbacks with your son."

My buddy was trying to keep a running tally for awhile of how many photon torpedoes and shuttlecraft they went through, because they were supposed to have a limited number of each.

And the occasional hatewatch. Don't forget the hatewatching.

Thing that should have happened:

You shut your whore mouth. I'd make him watch "The Animated Series" if it meant I kept having a reason to look forward to Thursdays.

Last time he stood at a window like that it was in "The Visitor" and it wrecked his life. Let's hope he's matured enough, and that the circumstances are different enough, that he can go move to the bayou and write his novels.

Also, Dukat says what we're all thinking: