
I'd like to point out that everyone ends up where they belong:

Do you not get the point of this feature? It's called HateSong.

While the "hater" does take the time to point out that he doesn't hate gays, he does basically say it's a stupid song for stupid people to like and pat themselves on the back to.


Okay, first of all, Macklemore wasn't "talking about how much he likes girls" at the beginning of that song. This wasn't a homophobic "I Kissed a Girl" kind of thing where he had to spend the whole song shoring up his heterosexuality to keep his cred. He was talking about how he'd gotten so mixed up in the notions

Pretty much all the Cardassian stuff at the tail end of TNG was geared towards building up Deep Space Nine as a show - they set all the pieces carefully over time, unlike on a lot of those 80's shows where they'd just have some random episode that was a stealth pilot for a new series.

Doesn't matter; had sex.

Though I never played it, apparently Star Trek: Online featured two storylines that were direct results of Deep Space Nine, even though that game is set 20-30 years later:

Gotta say I'm really enjoying how this idea is getting legs. If Zack decides to do Voyager we'll absolutely have to see if we can find/post the original teasers and possibly one-up them.

Other thing is that Peter David was pretty phenomenal in the Trek verse. He loved his continuity porn ALMOST as much as Ronald D Moore does, and "Imzadi" is a friggin' classic.

This is why I welcome you and look forward to toiling in your underground sugar caves.

They wouldn't GET it, probably, because emotions, but they also probably wouldn't try to waste energy stopping other people from doing what they want.

Probably don't worry so much about marriages when you've got multiple lives.

"Q Squared" by Peter David had every energy being of unfathomable power in the Star Trek Universe turn out to be Q. Trelane, the Squire of Gothos? Q's godson. Captain Mitchell, who tried to kill Kirk in the pilot? Infected with Q.

You guys are failing at this- you need to give them a couple name if you're gonna ship 'em. Nezri? Ezrog?

Like that speech of O'Brien's at the end of "The Sound of Her Voice," about how next time you look someone might be missing from this circle.

I feel like something I read - maybe one of the Enterprise tie-in novels? Had a Klingon dude with a husband like it ain't no thang.

Look at it this way: the question isn't whether he defends the Federation or joins with the Founders - it's a question of whether he tries to fight the Founders from the inside or the outside.

That was borderline scholarly, sir. Someone get this guy a bottle of kanar. The good stuff, fit for Legates and such.

One must also remember that this was, like, fifteen years ago. Given all the strides that we've made lately we're able to be a bit more artful about this kind of theme, but Star Trek was being rather bravely blunt about it for the time.