
You post your bag on your kinja with the featured-bag tag and it may end up featured here eventually.

I just realized... I wonder what hottie is gonna play Shang? *drools*

Also, I misread your first paragraph.

Reebok makes me think of the 80s and I dont know why.

It just baffles me how much these things cost. Just like the graphic calculators. Pennies to produce, $45 to buy.

Adopt a yarmulke and you can wear two multitools everyday!

It’s like, for quizzes or something. Professor asks question, you click answer. Like scantron but without the #2 pencil.

Yeah, I'm assuming that Disney's counting on the Chinese market—in which case, a Japanese actress playing Mulan will go down very badly. China is not cool with the Rape of Nanking, to put it mildly.

Well, a lot of 4K TVs are actually talking about 3840 x 2160, 4x the old 1080p resolution. Why we didn't just call them 2160p instead of using the same term as the film industry uses and creating needless confusion I couldn't tell you. Ask Paul Marketing.

Except there is a debate because of the binary nature of computers. When we talk of the current generation of 4K TVs we are talking about 4096 pixel resolution, not 4000.

Honestly, one could argue that Atlantis should have been a Live-action movie from the start. I'd be down to revisit that world.

Next question: which animated Disney movie should be next in line for a live-action adaptation?

I'm pretty sure Mulan is safe for being played as an asian female. Hollywood seems okay with asian females.

Asian males on the other hand.. it's getting ridiculous.

Oh man, now you're making it actually sound good...

-Distinct probability of an Asian female protagonist with genuine agency and kickassery (I say probability because this is still Hollywood)

I'm guessing they'll consider the Little Mermaid next. But honestly, I'm excited about Mulan. She's always been my favourite Disney heroine, and her story has a lot more meat to it than the others. I'm just wondering how they're going to depict the live-action war scenes while keeping it PG; that would have been a lot

In Israel, where this clip was designed, a lot of the shopping carts require a 5 shekel coin to be deposited to be able to detach the carts from one another. Lots of hacks like this exist because constantly remembering to have that specific coin in your wallet is annoying.

My hair is so long & thick it eats hairbrushes for breakfast, and even I would hesitate to put anything with a serrated cutting edge in my hair. Also my discount hair clips from the dollar store would do most of these things anyway, and not break my hair.

That would tear your hair to shit. Could they maybe leave the hair accessory design to someone who’s at least met a woman?

"No one is going to dictate to me what I eat. How I fuck? Yes. But, eat? No. No way."