
Looked this up for the other comment, but her diss was in paleo-climatology, modeling burial ground location based on storm surge events. Like yes I’m well familiar with press release fluff, but like to do that diss with any rigor requires all the good data practices ‘cause it’s incomplete and inconsistent population

And the geography is both bachelors & PhD and her diss is paleo-climatolgy and like my experience w/ that field is it’s a lot of trying to model really messy and incomplete data. Like yes, I’ve known loads of grad students who don’t know what they’re doing...but I’m just a tad more skeptical of DeSantis side of the

That sounds like the perfect qualifications for a data scientist and especially somebody making/managing dashboards.

Oh, totally agree that their weakness as a team was that Farai should have been given more control (and the edit very much foreshadowed that).

So a big part of the conversation was the disparity between streetwear and luxury sportswear. They’re not the same thing.

Reply All is amazingly consistently good, but more than that I’m kind of surprised at just how much I love The Dream. Was iffy about it ‘cause did not like Jane Marie’s stint at Jez but listening to it I’m like what did Jezabel do to her? It’s the very best type of investigative podcast - weedy levels of factual while

Yup, like it’s mostly still hoodie + fall coat weather, and on shoes like just wear anything with decent traction (‘specially if it’s gonna rain).

This muppet is part of their Sesame Street in Communities intitative, which is standalone content provided free to teachers/therapists/parents/caregivers and the like so she’s outside the paywall anyway.

Yeah my mom’s friend said her hospital doesn’t hire young married Orthodox Jewish women ‘cause they assume the women will basically be baby factories for the next couple of years. A lot of suggestions to hide engagement rings during interviews - harder to hide being married 'cause they cover their hair (wigs/hats) and

Den/family room in houses big enough for 'em.

> It’s hard to imagine Ivanka Trump being an iota as Machiavellian as Shiv Roy

Nicky went to one of the best performing arts high schools in the country (LaGuardia) so it's not hugely out of left field.

I don’t think that’s what she’s aiming at though. Going by her op-ed, she wanted to take a reproductive justice (which yes is political) approach of abortion is a standard practice medical procedure on par with pap smear and so should be as accessible as a pap smear.

I love their cotton leggings and have like 30 and way too many of their pajama bottoms, but I’m so frustrated that their easy wear cut fits me great in shirts but like doesn’t come in cotton anymore. Cheap modest shirts for petite girls with medium sized chests are so not easy to find.

Pink is their most (only?) profitable line, so anecdotal but strong evidence that maybe having a woman (or frankly anybody who might actually wear lingerie) is a plus for Victoria Secret.

Eh, like PWP (porn w/o plot) fics make up a heavy percentage of NC-17 content and like rule 42 (for every kink there exists a fic) is alive and well. The only difference in graphicness/vulgarity between the average NC-17 fic and straight up porn is usually just due to the limits of the media (and like fan art/fan

One of the majorly cool things about when AO3 got nominated for a Hugo software award (

New York almost always hangs parking restriction signs. My school and a couple of blocks leading up to it are a fairly common filming location & the signs are always up a couple days in advance. (I’ve some how managed to never get caught in the shootings, at most I’ve seen trailers & catering).

Lamar Alenxander is out in 2020 (not seeking reelection) so also not much to lose.