
Are you implying women can't be left in a state of "didn't get to get there" frustration?!
It works both ways, for the record…and I'd hazard far more frequently the truth for ladies than for men.

So odd you mention this, as I was such a huge fan, I have a signed by John Byrne comic book from that series. Worth waiting in line just to meet him.

So far, since LMM put it together, what I've heard of the Hamilton Mixtape is pretty amazing.

I think his performance in Nightcrawler is criminally underrated/unseen as well.

You keep using the wrong name. Edward is the writer. Tony is the character in the book.

Thank you! You've so clearly stated exactly what I got from the film. The ending, for me, was deeply satisfying since it did not give into romanticism but was consistent with why the novel was written and sent in the first place.
I want to believe he can now heal.

I agree. I think this review and many comments are truly missing the allegorical nature of the novel and how it cuts to the core of the larger story of the path not taken and particularly the difference between art and commerce. Something which Ford seems to feel most keenly.
In addition, the ending is a fantastic

See also, all of his work in Jeff Nichols' films and the phenomenal 99 Homes. He's so talented it'so scary.

I'd say avoid this film then. The bottom of your comment are my feelings having seen the film.

I don't know how to do the spoiler cover up thing! I just saw the film so I have answers for all 3.
Bottom line: for all those reasons and more, the film is fatally flawed and deserves far more criticism than it seems to be getting here.

Well, I won't be. I think Huppert's performance is blinding people to the deeply cynical and yes, misogynistic worldview at play here. It's filled with loathing for humanity, and if it's all "just" dark comedy, it misses that mark frequently.
I would not recommend this film to anyone who has been sexually

Yes, the character seems to be mid-40s.

Simone Signoret and Sophia Loren both won. The actresses from Amour and The Artist (both French)were nominated.

So kind of you. Sorry for over sharing. 😕

The young Shelly really broke my heart, the learned secret keeping and silence. Perfect casting and acting.

Why is that? The fact that in the US most servers only make $2.13 an hour before tips seems insane to me since that's exactly what I was paid when I was a waitress in 1985!

Actually, I suspect that's because we have such a large El Salvadorian population in Los Angeles. I never knew pupusas existed before I moved here, and now I love them.

I knew where this was going for the worst of all reasons. I had a friend on new meds who seemed to be doing much better and then she threw herself off the top of a parking structure in Santa Monica. It's the worse feeling, and it still haunts me. This episode was too close to that wound.

I really felt for Vicki. If I was in a hopefully long term relationship with someone and s/he decided to change their bits without telling me, I'm pretty sure that'd break my heart more than a little. Especially because it would mean my opinion, needs, and desires within the relationship didn't matter. This episode

Look, I know she did it to herself, but to go from, wow, I've got everything I ever wanted to losing a best friend (possibly) and her man in one night? That's the kind of ouch not many of us bounce back from. Good thing this show's got humor enough to somehow come back from the abyss.