
But did you get the sense that she felt a little guilty as she walked by and saw all the partners with Rashida? I mean how telling is it that the female partner felt she had to bring in all the male ones. The work culture of cya on every level.

*deeply embarrassed* Ugh. I'm awful.

Even the name Uncle Nephew implies some type of incest…his siblings were in their 20s when he was born, so definitely possible he's the child of one of them.
I'm envisioning Faye Dunaway now "Your sister, your mother…"

That bit, btw, is a very on-the-money, parody of KCRW's Michael Silverblatt's Bookworm program from Santa Monica's NPR. One of my favorite things about this show is the many, many LA area inside jokes/jabs.

Apparently, Frankie goes to a private school, but no, as a public school teacher I would never ever ever meet with a parent outside of school for a conference. Heck, we had parent conference's with a team just to ensure no "issues".

It was human scrubs stuffed to look human with a brown bear head lynched by medical tubes with blood everywhere. When I knocked, my neighbor saw my face and said, "Too much?" so I'm pretty sure she kinda knew it might be over the top (though she said the neighbors on both sides had said it was fine).
Our place is in

I'm really hoping we do get to know Sunday and Bret more because I've read a few things that make them seem far more interesting than we've been given any right to believe they could be. For instance, Bret is gay, apparently and a cop who's told everyone he does…oops, already forgot.

A lot of people still don't know they're doing this here again, but many people are at

Thanks, that's great feedback. I try my hardest not to fall into traps of deciding what people might be into just because of what they look like, but I'm not immune to telling a story because I think it's something we'll have in common and we don't.

You're very kind, thank you. Still, isn't the point of the artistic process to have an effect on the viewer/listener? I'm glad they challenge me to question myself and my assumptions. Never too late to grow more, I'm hoping.

Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write me and for your supportive words. They mean so much to me and remind me that I am not alone in this. I know that most of the time, but I totally "get" your ex's insecurity. I constantly check for my intentions, and I will continue to do so with your words in mind.

Watching this and Insecure, I'm reminded how much otherness there is in being an ally.

You can watch Crazy Ex-GF on Amazon the next day, but you have to pay for it.

Err, in my experience male subs are not at all passive, but everyone is different, so you never know.

I'd say switch at best and definitely not fully aware of bdsm culture.

Does this mean you don't have a DVR or just no cable?

Err, I meant television viewing wise. Clearly, I don't take this as seriously as you do.

True, but let's not forget that unbeknownst to him, Jessica has that legacy thingy, and perhaps now she'll pass it on to David when she gets booted. Now that would make this move terrific!

Also free on Amazon Prime if you have that.

I like this show so much, and I have since the pilot. It's disheartening that so few people are watching/commenting. I'm grateful for the reviews, Molly. Still I wonder if this is getting lost in the glut of programming right now. I continue to hope that it isn't just because it's so female-centric, but I worry it