
I think we fundamentally disagree on the role of government. Its job is not to generically “make choices for people” - it’s supposed to do the things it’s been chartered to do. I doubt anyone involved in the chartering of Gainesville, FL was thinking “what we need are elected officials that will decide what otherwise

You are not forced to choose fossil fuels - you just have to be able to choose fossil fuels. This isn’t hard to understand - it’s right in the text.

The idea that we have anything like a “free market” of the robber baron variety is 140 years out of date.

If you’re going to own a project car, ESPECIALLY one that is known to be temperamental, you need to make sure you have spare transportation. I love my 240SX but it has an uptime of <50%. I learned the hard way that I need a commuter vehicle too, one finicky project car does NOT successful employment make. 

Two facts I wish I could travel back in time and tell my 16 year old self...

Kind of a fact...street/strip or “race” parts are really meant for racing.  You’ve got to be realistic with yourself about how you’re using your car when making modifications. “I need a street/race transmission, cuz my car isn’t stock” leads to ridiculously harsh shifts that are miserable in daily traffic. That race

Maybe someone needs to hear this. Engine coolant is kinda delicious and very nasty stuff. Don’t have your dogs around when you’re replacing your thermostat.

OT, but it’s been more than a week & this doesn’t seem to have been acknowledged by anyone at all - certainly no departure roast, like Andrew & others have received when leaving - nor did Erin mention her impending departure (unless she buried it a column & I missed it). Make me think she was glad to GTFO, and this

I hope you’re thinking of a 504 wagon.

Whether you like the bill or not, it’s pro-free market, not anti. The bill says that cities cannot restrict market choices - it’s not a fossil fuel mandate, it’s a choice mandate.

He crashed because he was pushing hard and with two bum shoulders, broken arm, 18 months away from the sharp end and he has the memory of being able to save numerous previous slides and almost crashes on his elbow etc etc. But now he cant. Its a circle of cause and effect.

Seems to me that at that precise moment in the video, he looses grip in the rear and he’s a goner...

Add one more click to the Traction Control.

Hunt for Red Bilge Pump

“Hi, we’re calling about your expired submarine bilge pump. Do you have a moment?” is a scam call I’d take.

Soviet bilge pump:

A recent inspection by the city found that it’s taking on water due to not having a bilge pump.”

This is why the right to repair is so important, also check the warranty. (and the small print).

I agree. If I say I hate the Liberals, then the Government can fine me? Sounds like Hong-Kong.

This is a very scary law, and Canada is doing its citizens a disservice.