Maybe I’m just cynical but I’m still interested as to whether this was a decision from the start or just the company jumping on the fandom that had pretty much decided Tracer was gay from the getgo.
Maybe I’m just cynical but I’m still interested as to whether this was a decision from the start or just the company jumping on the fandom that had pretty much decided Tracer was gay from the getgo.
Hi Cecilia,
Fan Service is... kind of awkward.
What? There’s one Asian guy and one old dude, and 50% are visually impaired.
It wasn’t Game of the Year. It was the Games for Impact Award. And based on your comment, it seemed like it had a pretty big impact.
*Reads it aloud in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice*
He may not be a traditional rival, but I like Hau! His name lends itself to puns like “Hau much longer am I going to have to put up with this dumbass”
They made IV breeding so much easier now...
That’s why there is a very clear rule in QA, if you used any cheats, it’s not a bug unless you can reproduce it without cheats.
I don’t see what the issue is, it’s a Mature rated videogame, and as long as the proper ESRB (or corresponding regional rating) designation is present then Ubisoft hasn’t done anything wrong.
I’ve had basically all of these issues on PC too, not to mention the lack of steam workshop support. I’m downgrading to the regular edition and installing some graphics mods.
Did you read the page you linked to?
I’m sorry, Ashley. Do you need a hug? A hug will make everything better. Do you need a hug? I think you need a hug. You look like you need a hug. Do you need a hug? I’m going to hug you.
It said HIS mother, not yours.
I don’t think for a second that it has. There has ALWAYS been shitty anime in the industry, and we remember the good stuff because that’s exactly what it is. Sturgeon’s Law (90% of anything is crap) applies in the long-term as well, the difference in perception between the past and present comes from only remembering…
Wow - really nice way to engage with your readers. What I meant - and clearly I didn't say it correctly so forgive me for not using the exact appropriate words - was that the woman deserves your respect by making the headline clear about the abortion she chose to have - no judgment on my part and I'm deeply saddened…