
So what does it mean that I like GOT, Arrow, Flash, and Dr. Who and not really any of the others? I mean, while Supernatural used to be one of my favorites I couldn’t stay with it after the 4th season or so.

Hmm, sorry, I really did miss the satire. I guess I was(am) just too ready to see said neckbeards pooping all over perfectly adequate action/comedy.

Why on earth do you call it Boo Vaginas? That’s really poor taste and not actually a criticism.

Or maybe boomers and xgeners are just huge asshole blots on humanity, since the demonizing of fun and games played by adults that don’t involve sex and drinking was a cultural abnormality in the grand scheme of humanity. There’s way to much dark shit in the world to begrudge anyone their right to have fun. I mean,

I bought fresh rhizomes it from here

The flavor is pretty similar, real wasabi has a milder but slower burn and a lighter flavor with a hint of citrus, but they are both horseradishy at their core.

But they are WAY smaller in the UK, the ones in the midwest are unparalled in strengh anywhere in the world.

Maybe your computer-you would do that, but I think mine would be spending its time figuring out how to genetically engineer a unicorn.

Length of time and the direction of the G force make a huge difference as well. One or two seconds of a high G force is easy, one or two minuets, not so much.

Since I plan on joining team robot by becoming a cognitively and physically enhanced cyborg, this is not something I am worried about.

Bah, thats hardly a problem. I hope I can survive the process so I can hang with myself for a few years before biological me kicks it.

You forgot to multiply area by however many upward rows there are, and also factor in the lack of water costs, pesticide costs, and transportation costs.

I mean, social security became a thing in spite of similar sentiments at the time it was implemented. And it doesn’t need to be a paycheck, it could be in the form of guaranteed housing, food, and internet.

I mean, there is an in-universe way for a character to be powerlessly frozen away from the action.

I really hope that Pokemon go will have the opposite effect, where a black person wandering around looking at their phone would be less likely to have the cops called on them because now there is the “oh, he’s probably just playing pokemon go” possibility.

Wrong-o! It looks fantastic for killing literally any living being, not just humans.

Look at it.

It isn’t, but I think it aught to be. I mean, without access to the internet you are disconnected from the interconnected knowledge of the entire species.

This is maddening. Reality is a lie.

butter is worse than many margarines and cooking oils, such as those rich in healthy fats, like soybean, canola, flaxseed, and extra virgin olive oils