
Even if it was little finger, Sansa still made the choice to trust little finger and not Jon, and that is not a great idea.

If you’ve seen it once—and thanks to the 1989 Batman movie, Batman Begins, Batman v Superman, and all 900 Batman cartoons and god knows how many comics, pretty much everyone on the planet has seen it at least once—you never need to see it again.

I really love Pidge. For some reason it only took me like, 5 mins to decide she was a girl, but then, I got really confused. In the opening cadet scene we see a ton of girls in the cadets, so its not like she’s getting her mulan on. I like thinking of her as a girl, but she’s clearly just Pidge, doin’ her thing and

Hmm. I am fairly certain that the option to manually drive will always be available (especially in rural areas), and so long as that is true government regulations aren’t quite as scary, but, either way, I’d rather have self driving cars that protect the passengers at all costs than no self driving cars. Humans are

Oh of course, if offered the drug right now, of course I’d take it and be called the hypocrite I am

That’s not the message at all! Romantic entanglement is not inherently sexual at all, and sex does not magically negate friendship or other relationship bonds.

This is just poor handling. The argument shouldn’t be “zoos are inherently evil”, or even “humans have no business training animals for performance” it should be “how do we make sure that people who handle and train dangerous and exotic animals are really qualified, how do we keep the animals safe while still getting

There are tons of bros who are not gay in pop culture.

I didn’t say Jon wasn’t an idiot- that is obvious (his charge was so, so dumb, that even Tormund prayed he wouldn’t charge). But Sansa was just as much to blame for the magnitude of death, and her decision was a calculated one, making her more culpable, guilt wise. She made the wrong choice not telling them about the

Ghost is his smart half

That still doesn’t hold- why not just tell him why they are waiting? He asked her, hopelessly “What choice do we have!” And she kept mum about waiting for help from the Vale and just shrugged.

His was 3500, and no, Sansa should have told him, even if all she knew was that they might come- that also makes a huge difference-

and Brandon. He’s super still alive.

They would never have been in a position for the play to work, had they known about the vale to begin with.

Where was Ghost, anyway? Did Jon actually to the brilliant thing and be all “stay home faithfull pup, because a battlefield is not for you!”

To be honest, I don’t think anyone ever defeated the Targaryens when they had dragons large enough to fly on. They were only defeated after the dragons were gone, and a few hundred years after that even.

Sansa is responsible for the death of every man in Jon’s army. She is horrible and wrong not because she whined at Jon, but because she didn’t tell him about the Knights of the Vale.

That would assume Ramsey would know. Since the knights of the Vale seem to be super stealthy, Ramsey would have to be told, and if there is one thing I am sure of, its that none of the wild lings are spies for Ramsey.

I wouldn’t call it deus ex machina- they set up Sansa summoning them fairly well, and when she road off it was clearly (in hind sight) to go get them. The bullshit is that she didn’t tell anyone they were almost there.

You have that backwards- adding booze to pot will make pot more dangerous, not the other way around.