
Fascinating sentence- the use of that many “very”s before a minimizing adjective is an interesting way to sound full of hot air.

Dairy is actually not a problem, since dairy cows/goats/sheep last for much longer and can provide other benefits (wool, fertilizer).

Exactly, and moreover, it is also incredibly difficult to enforce because unless you are able to do a DNA test and get a perfect match with a patented sequence, there is no way of knowing what is and is not a GMO once it has been processed into a consumer product.

Thousands, really. I mean, broccoli.

I’d let almonds come in at #3 and walnuts at 4

*Chants* First is the worst....

This is just further proof that apple is actually the worst.

Probably a public defender. They constantly advise bad deals to get people out of the que.

What surprises me is how natural the shift was for me. I called it Two-Thousand-and-one back then, but now I find myself naturally transitioning to Twenty-oh-one.

Really though, its where your prejudices show.


It not so much that the atmosphere has been “just warming”, its that warming air, combined with ocean acidification (this is directly linked with carbon emissions by humans), ozone depletion (directly linked with humans to the point where we actually managed to stop ourselves somewhat, although the ozone is still far

Skin suits and an SPF rated mask. Physical barriers work better anyway.

You realize that chart is for the surface, right? And that the temperature of the surface is not necessarily coupled with the temperature at other depths? You chart is... not relevant.

Why does this seem so prophetic? I mean, Bernie’s slam dunk on Hillary, gun owners killed by the Republicans, and Donald Trump’s complete assassination of the American people.

Eh, maybe now that I’m no longer a teenager, I will like it better.

WOAH. You are making a huge assumption about the fundamental concepts of “the right”. Sure, people with super powers are dangerous, more dangerous than non0super people, but they are still people. They have the right to freedom of choice, movement, and, if they choose, anonymity. If they have not violated someone

I can postulate that their target audience did not include girls because it is a reasonable hypothesis based on the content, the genra, the time period, and the majority of its supports. The hypothesis can validated or not by looking at history, and it is not an invalid possible theory as to why I don’t like it.

Before there was Firefly, there was Outlaw Star