
Er, I hear that all the time in MA

Jimmies! Yeah. Also, I use 'sketchy' a lot, but I don't know how far out of my town that goes.

I spend a lot of time in Boston, and while I've never heard tonic refer to anything other than tonic water, I forgot that frappe is something only people around here use.

Naw, I do that to, and I live on the east coast

I have never heard that (I live in eastern MA)

South Shore/South Eastern MA (not a Boston accent. Please, do not imagine these with a Boston accent)

I like that, but instead of giving the last month of the year extra days, they are "bonus days" that do not have a week day designation or a month. Just free days. There would only need to be 1 each year except for leap years, which get 2.

Well, we are talking about guys and their cocks. Sounds just about right to me.

Correct. All three would be banned, immediately.

Gah. Prohibitions are the worst, most pointless things humans have ever come up with.

I am actually inclined to blame all the problems on just soda and sugared cereals.

Oh, thank goodness. I just did some quick googling to confirm, and it seems this also applies to milk and shellfish. Probably pets and pollen too.

I would make them a glorious bastard. Like Zanatos, but with magic. I mean, Zanatos basically was an evil sorcerer, he just tricked other people into doing the magic for him. Even his name is wizardly!

Supposedly turkey was just, so much better tasting than swan, that Europeans imported turkeys from the us so they'd never have to eat the lovely ornamental birds ever again.

That's because they still remember the days, buried deep in their genes, that they were dinosaurs. They remember, and they are waiting.

Ha, lol.

Ah, woops. Upon reflection, I was thinking of range for Mary Poppins (sorry), the range of the Sound of Music is a mezzo soprano range, which has enough over lap with the alto range that Gaga's is definitely within her comfort range.

When you are driving in a car, time is a little bit slower for you than when you are sitting at home. Still kinda blows my mind.

Not to disparage her wonderful performance, but she actually didn't hit the same actual notes from the original- the song was played in a much lower key to better suit Lady Gaga's impressive alto rather than Julie's soprano.

Pretty sure if sex work was legal, there would be way less of this problem. Just saying.