
Nah, you probably just have a persona that seems "wholesome"- as in, you don't put out a bunch of cues to get attention. If you really do want attention, you'd certainly be able to get it.

Yeesh. I'm not saying you need to talk to them, just don't be rude because of a possibly innocent question. Besides, if a single woman is drinking alone at a bar, its actually not an unreasonable assumption that she might be interested in casual sex, because really, I promise, there a people who are totally cool with

Eh, this is Jezebel. I'd like to think that there are some people who are actually just interested in casual sex, not in just acting like they are 'sex positive'. I could understand the annoyance if their profile made is super clear they were not interested in casual sex, but again, as long as a simple "no" is

Depends on the bar, and the proceeding conversation, and whether or not all I'm interested in is casual, kinky sex. I wouldn't, but that's because I don't want that and I don't really care for fetish bars.

I dunno, I think that its not such a big deal. I personally don't care for sex, but I also don't think its such a big deal for someone to ask for it. I mean, I just say "no thanks, not interested". If they get pushy after that, then they're an asshole.

I am confused. How are questions about sex inappropriate on a dating website, exactly? What year is it, again? 1815?

I think you just have a really juvenile idea of what respect is. I mean, its just sex, right? All they are is asking for casual sex. All you have to do say "no". If they get pushy and obnoxious about it, yeah, that's disrespectful and then calling them an ass and blocking them is aproprate, but its really not a

That's... rather unfair. I mean, you wouldn't not give a kid a piece of candy you bought for them just because they asked for it, right? I mean, right? Yeah, its your candy, and you bought it, and its your right to not give it, but shouldn't honesty be rewarded? Even if you didn't buy it for them, but you were just

I thinks its a dramatic over simplification to imply that evolutionary theory and social theory are somehow mutually exclusive. Sexism is powerful, pervasive, and practically universal, which implies that sexism itself is in some part reinforced by an evolutionary trait. Which seems rather obvious to me, but maybe its

I am really not at all bothered by this. I would love for butterflies to drink up my tears once I'm done with them.

Nope nope nope.

Gah. All these comments are depressing. Swatters are undoubtedly stupid and wrong, but engaging in the 'I hope they fucking die' game is definitely the wrong response. Its that kind of rage based impulse posting that created a culture that breeds something like swatting. Other humans are people, and a fucking 14 year

Fixed it.

Shoe. Phone.

Trash is gross and throwing things into cool things is dumb, but... the yellow-green spring is... also cool looking...

Mmm, yes. Free country. So, since I am not the government, I am free to ridicule when logic and reasoning has failed.

I can't help but think on how, even as a child, I recognized that my grandpa and grandma spoke with a different "Standard American" (read: collage educated in the north) accent than I did. It only became more obvious as I got older and more aware, but he had a way of speaking that was just different, that I

Disassociate yourself with your beliefs, and realize this is fitness, not religion we're talking about.

I was coming off of a long stint of Urban Fantasy, and at first I found the florid writing style jarring. Then, I realized how beautiful it was.

Mmm, the video actually does have a lion.