
But but but, Why is there no SOKKA HOODIE

Hunting for sport is one of the most environmentally friendly activities available to people today. Most nature reserves are supported by hunting, the actual hunting is regulated such that it supports the local populations by preventing over population, and the vast majority of hunters are very ethically minded and do

Oh yes he is. He is, in this movie, the lovable sidekick!

Well, defense spending does support a huge chunk of the technology industry. Just sayin.

Kids need to design their own experiments. Obviously not every experiment, but at least half. Maybe start by teaching a rough theory, doing a prescribed experiment, then a bit more theory, then their own experiment (including results analysis and presentation) as the "test". Also- the "success" of an experiment will

I am constantly relived by the fact that most people my age, mid 20s, are decidedly not sexist. Its those older people who are all "nonono, you can't help with the heavy lifting, your a girl" (me: but, you're 70 years old!)

Its not a spoiler if its just a fan theory. Wait a few more years, then you can call spoiler hax.

Now playing

The short answer is yes. If you would like a better explanation, the youtube channel Veritasium has a lot of very good explanations

Why is that picture of a geoduck space alien being confused with a rabbit/duck?

The only thing that kida makes sense is that things tend to come in sets of three- postive, negative, neutral. (Although, the whole spin thing makes my head... spin)

There is no before the big bang, because there was no when for it to be after.

The whole point is that unknown is an actual state. like artiofab says, Schödinger made up the analogy to make it sound stupid (just like how the name for the big bag came about)

Angular acceleration and momentum.

I honestly have no idea which would happen first. it depends on who spends more money on lobbyists, although since the FDA, USDA and EPA already have half-way decent regulations on GMOs (which is to say, better regulation than on conventionally modified organisms) (…) I...

Answer: Nope.

Its not a black and white argument. The laws need to be written such that they provide sufficient protection so the company can still make a profit, but not permit unlimited patent trolling.

Or, just slowly reduce the amount of sugar untill there is no added sugar at all.

So, like how coffee is actually nasty, but one your addicted to caffeine its good?

I've found that anything labeled "Chinese" has that problem, but when they list the province (Yunnan, Fujian) the quality is night and day different.

You might have been over steeping the tea (or using to hot water, depending on the variety). I had the same problem, where I decided tea was gross, until I went to a tea room where they actually brewed the tea correctly.