
This movie is one of those movies you really need to see more than once. I've only seen it once, and I know I need to see it again to catch all the stuff I missed the first time because I was so blown away.

Indeed! Do you know where water evaporated in LA ends up falling?

How did you research your version of faerie, an what resources did you find most helpful?

I was not disagreeing about controlled populations being a necessity, I took issue specifically with what I quoted, which was that human populations must be controlled because it causes all the problems.

Ironically, the one thing that has never been contradicted in any of my food related research was added refined sugar=bad (in any form, including corn syrup and cane sugar and honey and agave). Its seems that complex and naturally flavored added sugars (honey, raw cane sugar, fruit juice, ect) are probably okay if you

"Human - Planet Earth's largest mammalian parasite. The root cause of literally all of the world's problems."

An unborn child, up to a certain point, is not an individual person. Even an actual baby is not a fully formed person, just a proto-person that will develop into one. Yes, born infants are worth protecting because they are individual, but an unborn fetus is not an individual, and is, in a very real and concrete

Oppression, too.

Ugg! Its a tie!

You have one flaw- its should be "some men and women"

See, much of my problem with the "price" of e-books is not the cost to buy, but the inability to sell a "used" version and the incredibly terrible limitations they are putting on libraries.

Regardless of how worthless the actual writing is, it was a cultural phenomenon that cannot be ignored or forgotten. I'm so, so sorry.

Frivolous or Malicious and outrageously expensive lawsuits are a HUGE goddam problem no matter what we're talking about, and its almost certainly the worst its ever been ever.

Eh, maybe, but you'd still need Twilight for the YA group (if your gunna have the hunger games, you gotta have twilight)

I think I'll wait till I can watch this at home so I can just fast-forward through the bullshit

You'd really need both. Interview with the Vampire began one age and Twilight ended it.

I really hate to say it, but Twilight should probably be added to this list. While unquestionably a pile of garbage, it has had a HUGE impact on vampire novels (which is fantasy)

I did read an article discussing the possibility that a lot of the "junk" were actually viruses and bacterium that attached themselves onto our DNA. That seemed reasonable to me, and the articular did say that there was no telling whether the "invader" DNA did stuff or not.

Are you kidding? Its been a standard go-to in books since at least the early 2000s