
Hahaha, you guys are so certain in your denials. When the truth hits there'll  be cognitive dissonance.

And he engaged in the usual slave ownership busy, selling, trading, punishing etc etc. So yep, he owned slaves--LINCOLN OWNED SLAVES!!

Lol.... usually you’re good but on this one you’re wrong! I referenced the new book below. 

WAIT... Why da fuck are soo many commenters denying Lincoln owned slaves? What am I missing here? Dude did own slaves!! Especially thru his wife’s family, right?!?

Yea, Idris been shooting some shit lately so what else is new? That piece of bogus logic is more an Afro-British delusion than anything else. Hopefully he’ll get over that bit of Black-British insanity. I still like him tbough.

After episodes during which the N-word was hurled about 43 times, I decided both Trey Parker & Matt Stone harbored some barely hidden anti-Black sentiments; In a sense much like Howard Stern & Bill Maher. They don't  fool me one bit!!

hmm, just curious why TheRoot is kinda publicizng & promoting this? South Park has its own history of anti-Blackness and anti-Muslim bigotry which isn’t mentioned in the article. Still curious why Kanye’s anti-Black shit was given a pass but not his antisemitism.

Its not about disagreeing...dude has a history of misconduct toward women...why even put yourself in such a situation, “inebriated” or not!?

Smdh...Guys like Michael Irvin just don’t seem to get it. Not a fan since his nonsense on Kaepernick.

That's my thinking too.. there's  plenty more mess to come!

White women always come with a presumption of innocence and an added social value.. so there’s that too.

Not a popular take but: I don’t get this—why? I’ve felt for a while now that Ben Crump has monopolized Black suffering and has become very wealthy doing so. I also resent the way he goes about leveraging the victims of state/police terrorism to the Democratic party, given how the current leadership of the party (Bidden

Glad it happened in Kareem’s face! Maybe now he’ll stop bashing LeBron and accept King James as the GOAT..and one of the greatest athletes ever! All Hail the King!!

LOL..that is sooo wicked! St.Peter will deal with you at the pearly gates. Amen

For my parents and grandparents, BBC News was the gospel truth coming through their transistor radio, even as they were exoticising Africa & Africans and wrecking havoc on the image of Haiti & Haitians. They were full of shit then and have only gotten worse!

“salacious culture”? Yep, that and more! And if yall think this is just about T.J. Holmes & Amy Roach, well just wait...”tip of the iceberg” for sure..more shit will blow!


Crazy indeed! With time Ms Holland will probably wish this article away - not her best effort by a long shot.

“With Beyonce Losing Album of the Year, When Will Black Women Get Their Due?”

I gave props because it was such a pleasant surprise!