
“OK go ahead and drink the turpentine, Bobby.”

Nah, no way she’ll be returning! There are lots of creepy guys running things in Hollywood but still...Nah, not gonna happen!

Big big props to TheRoot for reporting on Haiti and the assassination of President Jovenel Moise. Here’s hoping there are more stories on Haiti this year.

Its hard to watch and pay genuine respect given how nakedly political Rev. Sharpton & Ben Crump have turned these funeral services - too much political spectacle with touches of a campaign event. Black suffering (especially for victims of state terror) deserve more respect and solemnity. Plus, the same political actors

White skin carries a presumption of innocence. In this case why not? Same as it ever was. Smdfh

Yes it will, both loudly and quietly...impossible to ignore!

To be exact, Patrick Mahomes is mixed-race but unless I’m mistaken he identifies as Black, so I accept that. Lately I’ve noticed how increasingly our Black identity is being stretched & diluted beyond recognition; I totally reject that effort by opportunistic Black assimilationists.

Nothimg much here! The hype is mostly because it’s about Beyonce.

Lots of truth here.

This is still about white supremacy violence against Black bodies—the usual policing of Black people! That the slave patrollers in this case are wrapped in Black skin should not surprise anyone. Black self-hatred is a real thing, and once its integrated into the institutions & structures of white supremacy, watch out!

Whats the difference between a Black and a white cop? hmm..

I’m familiar with, understand and respect your intellectual stance on this, but its one I disagree with strongly.

Okay, I get “resistance strategies”, “activism”, “reparative justice”, but my guard goes up on “intersectionality”. Usually when that term comes up as it relates to Black history, it’s a means to dilute the Black experience with other agendas, which i’m totally against! Black history is unique and should be taught on

Ron DeSantis understands quite well that in order to beat Trump you have to be more racist than Trump, and so far its working. Ben Crump and this lawsuit will only play into that anti-Black strategy.

You’ve got to give it to Shanelle Genai, she’s been celebrating & glorifying The Woman King from the get go! And no matter the utter historical inaccuracies of the film and the fact that it makes heroes of those who helped kidnapped, sell, torture, and eventually helped perpetuate the plantation slavery system, Ms

Shannon Sharpe continues to be immature AF. There’s a whole bunch of them on ESPN -  grown men acting the fool..and getting paid.

The concern over human rights and her performance there is legit but I’m now detecting a certain level of piling up on a high-profile Black woman which has got to stop! Beyonce haters are using this as an excuse!

Not gonna happen! That’s not how these things shake out and I’m pretty sure you know why.

Wow, are folks still looking for reasons to give him a pass though in a sly way? T.J. Holmes is a skank and gets no sympathy from this corner. This isn’t about “employing a smear campaign” against T.J. Holmes; dude is a low-down sleazy character; he brought it on himself.  Come on folks.
