
Nothing new here---he's getting the attention. Mission accomplished!

Given the way things are going, that time line will be extended.

Nah, it’s all talk; not gonna happen. The spotlight is addictive AF.

Yikes! Not greyed, but banished! All because of my critique of both Biden & Barack Obama yesterday? What guideline did I violate? I’ve been with TheRoot since Skip Gates started this, now all of a sudden I’m banned? Scary.

I wouldn't miss him. He's  said some silly stuff before.

“..participate in formal training”? What does that mean? Anyway, Don Lemon has been messing up for the longest while so count me among those who would not miss him.

Lol...surprised your comment was let through.

LBJ was a master politician and did good by Black folks when needed. He gets props from me!

I find the one with Rihanna and ASAP absolutely awesome! Black Love at its best!

Yep, I get that!

Talk about shameless opportunism; Talk about a fake-race opportunist: don’t forget in 2001 Haley listed her race as “white” on her voter registration card. We’ve forgotten that, haven’t we? Nikki Haley is a legit ‘wannabe’ seeking white acceptance by any means necessary and will engage in the lowest form of

“Unregulated emotions” is such an appropriate term. We see that kind of reaction among too many Rappers killing each other over petty slights. Now that I think about it, Black women (using Miss McDuffie’s logic) have the right to violently attack any Rapper insulting & demeaning them. Whewww, talk about black-on-black

Well sure, connecting the Black past to the present has to be the aim of Back history - that is, the genuine experience of Black folks from day one to now. But latching other agendas like Queer Theory, Gay studies, feminism & notions of “intersectionaliy” onto Black History does a disservice to the discipline and

You do realize Trump was spewing antisemitic stuff during his time as the most powerful person on the planet, right - as president of the United States!? He gets a pass from groups like the ADL because of his support for Israel; which begs the question, what exactly is the definition of an antisemite?

No one ever questions the ADL’s “ methodology” for fear of being tagged. Right now Kanye has become a propaganda tool to smear the Black community. Pretty soon some brave enough scholar will write an essay on ‘The Uses and Misuses of Kanye West as Propaganda’. And people should ask the ADL why is Kanye West’s

Nah, coming from the ADL I’m immediately suspicious given their history of highlighting “black antisemitism” for purely propaganda purposes and claiming a certain kind of community victimhood on the American cultural landscape. It also surprises me how easily & uncritically TheRoot accepts their reports in light of

Of course the response was “inadequate”...He should have been kicked out immediately. He’s lucky Chris Rock didn’t file charges. No excuses! Will Smith acted like a jackass!!

Your logic is getting tricky cause there’s a lot about Lincoln we don’t know and new stuff is being unearthed all the time. You do realize that his son, Robert Todd Lincoln, confiscated a whole bunch of Lincoln’s papers and burnt a whole bunch of them, right? That’s a historical fact. There were/are all kinds of do realize the author, Kevin Johnson, came up with the documentation, right? Yet you claim his book is factually incorrect?

Apparently those who did the “stealth edit” have not read the latest literature on Lincoln & his wife Mary Todd..and Todd’s father...Sad