
“Harvard naming a Black woman as president is sure to have an impact far beyond academia...”

Pease, NO! There's  got to be an inside joke floating around here.

Just look at that sadistic smile on his face: it is such a bloodthirsty white male privilege kind of thing - an expression our ancestors were quite familiar with; a smile that is both orgiastic and satanic. Such a MAGA expression!

Okay, wtf?!... "happened Oct.2, but charges were just announced on Dec.9"? I must be missing something. TheRoot needs to keep an eye on this one.

Okay, cool, I get you, and props! But there seems to be a trend in mainstream media with a high percentage of Black male presenters being Gay, or straight and married to white women! I find this very interesting.

None of my business but, in terms of personal bio, let’s hope there’s a Sistah in the mix. Black Love Matters!! There.

But he’s been spewing anti-Black shit for a long time, including insults aimed at dark-skin Black women, so why are we suddenly outraged at his recent madness? This is disturbing on so many levels because it suggests some bigotry are more acceptable than others. Wtf?!

Nahhh, not buying this for one instant! He’s humoring Black women and they know it. First time I saw him on American TV he was mocking black/(ADOS) speech patterns and I haven’t been a fan since.

On this joyous occasion Stephanie Holland chooses to exhibit the crude Black male-hating element of Black feminism.

“..that it was even a contest at all, was, in fact, madness.” Absolutely!

I prefer asking,what are they gonna do for us to draw us to the polls?'

He should have anticipated the trickery & dealings of white supremacy before falling for one of its seductions or allures. I’m just sick of the betrayals and disloyalty - Black women deserve better! So I don’t give a shit what happens to T.J. Holmes at this point. Just one man's opinion.

“Here’s the thing: if this goes wrong, Holmes has a lot more to lose than Robach.”

My instincts were right about this guy - he’s kinda skanky! Lets hope she cleans him out! I wonder if he’s ever read a single book about Black women during hellish times. My thing is, we should educate all of our sons about the experiemces of Black women throughout the diaspora. Maybe only then will there be true


As per the Update: I’m just sick & tired of Black men like T.J.Holmes constantly betraying Black women. I don’t do that ‘love is blind’ kumbaya shit anymore. Not a popular opinion here, but so what?

He’s sucked for the longest while but many of us were in denial.

Actually it was more than wanting generals like Hitler’s; he basically praised Hitlers leadership of the German people in terms of the economy, building infrastructure blah blah blah. Dude likes Hitler, period! According to the book, Gen. Kelly had to shut Trump down.

So why should it surprise us that someone who spewed that “slavery was a choice” go on to express some form of admiration for Hitler? Wasn’t slavery a form of genocide? I just wished Black media had shown as much outrage then, as they do now over his continuing madness. But hey!

Big big props to LeBron James! No doubt there’ll be hatorade coming his way for pointing out the double standard. Mainstream media would have us believe Jerry Jones was an “onlooker”, or was “peering over a crowd”, or was “observing the harassment of Black students” , but thats bullshit! Jerry Jones was part of a