hmm, didn’t he at one time praise his wife’s “Built-in Black Woman Superpower”? Well, I guess the white woman’s superpower has won out. I have absolutely no respect for such Black men. Enough already! Just my opinion!
hmm, didn’t he at one time praise his wife’s “Built-in Black Woman Superpower”? Well, I guess the white woman’s superpower has won out. I have absolutely no respect for such Black men. Enough already! Just my opinion!
Tarantino continues to be a particular idiot. Samuel Jackson is spot on!
Geez, enough already! It’s all PR nonsense now. Take a very long break, Will.
Only those not familiar with Howard Stern’s history of sexism & anti-Black rants will be surprise by this; with Robin Quivers providing the Black self-hating shield.
A legit talent & decent person - too decent in fact, and her record label royally screwed her - many hits no royalties. After she sued, those bastards effectively blackballed her for a couple years. She won eventually but going thru that shitty experience must have taken a toll. R.I.P.
Leave her the hell alone! As if Hollywood and their propaganda instruments don’t have a history of racially targeting & sabotaging Black women who don’t toe the line.
So yea, let’s demonize and marginalize and bring Jaylen Brown down to his knees and choke off his livelihood. Let’s make an example of him to scare off the Black community. I think thats the ritual, right?
First they mistrust & sideline you, then seek redemption by honoring you. That’s how shitty Hollywood is, especially toward talented Black women like Euzhan Palcy and Julie Dash (Daughters of the Dust). They both remain my all time favorite directors.
Jeffries is a decent guy. He and my brother lived in the same Crown Heights area. He was quite progressive before becoming moderate and ultra establishment—he became chief heckler of The Squad so i’m not into his brand of corporate democratic party politics. He will be elevated but for Black folks it’s all symbolism -…
“The host also knows that addressing racial issues in a visceral and unbelievably ignorant way guarantees ratings.”
Empathy is good...just don’t demand a higher level of deference toward your suffering over ours. Simple.
“Why are Jewish sensitivities denied or diminished at almost every turn? Why does our trauma trigger applause? “
Half of the stuff you just posted isn’t connected to reality. It’s like claiming ultimate victimhood—its propaganda that no longer works. Keep this in mind: the historical suffering European Jews went through were at the hands of other Europeans - the holocaust was a European project; my folks, especially Black…
Ah yes, once again white innocence will be a guiding force, in this case white female innocence & purity.
I am a big fan of LeBron James but in this case he fell for the media misinformation campaign and joined the genuflecting mob—he joined the pile on. Now he’s doing damage control.
“The narrative that Black men don’t vote has been a pervasive one for years.”
This is just more hypocrisy & anti-black bullshit! Last time I checked you can get copies of The Birth of a Nation, The Bell Curve, Illiberal Education, Not Out of Africa, and other shitty anti-black/white supremacist literature all over the place, including Amazon. Are they gonna remove or add disclaimers on them too?
Ha.. it just cracked me up cause I read the article twice and completely missed it.
Exactly! They vote their interests and its always gonna be about maintaining the systems of oppression & white white supremacy - they benefit from it. Only the deluded ones among us keep hoping & expecting some kind of white female solidarity. Ain't gonna happen!
lol....You're so...