
I’m still rocking a black widow, and this thing has been through hell and back... and still functions perfectly (I figured after my kid destroyed my 3rd normal keyboard a mechanical would be better off durability wise). I know that, from a technical end of things, it’s not the best keyboard. But I have had insanely

There are. But priest’s early game is so weak you cannot afford the tempo loss to do it. Sure, there’s 2/3/4 drops that it could work in. But how would THAT work when you’re literally eating your next turns tempo to do so?

This depends on your server, and what your role was. I was a raider in one of the server first guilds on Lethon during WOTLK, thus, our name was known on the server, and the guild tag carried some weight to it. (Only 1 main allowed in the guild, all alts went into the alt guild, along with the non-raiders. The “core

Nah, I completely understand; I really felt the same until i got to the end of the “campaign” and did a few solo arena’s. I was feeling the game was pretty meh, then I did the arena’s, and started to see some of the real variation of the cards, and how it feels like all 3 methods of playing card games is viable in

Frankly, its similarities are there, but the actual approach taken towards the design of the cards and game are much different. In Hearthstone, aggro is king, combo RARELY exists, and control is basically ass and reliant on one of 2-3 hero powers. Whereas, in my 6-8 hours with the beta, combo feels much more possible,

To be fair, there’s also inflation to take into account.

Hi Ubisoft. I don’t even bother to buy Activision games even if they’re getting ripped off. Outside of blizzard shit, stupid blizzard.

A fair bit of their product is officially sourced. The remainder is bought from 3rd party key-retailers that were legitimately obtained from the company. There was an issue of one of the sources being an issue a few months ago, but GMG went through and overhauled their key obtaining process, as well as forming more

Actually, depending on what DLC you have, Ireland has gone from a newbie haven... to hell. The tribal stuff from Horselords made most of ireland into tribal counties, which has HUGE impact on how the game plays, and is basically hardmode next to Scotland and England :P

Interestingly, yes, the broad strokes aren’t very unique because it’s largely a theme that’s been done repeatedly. The specifics however strike me as overly co-incidental; the nearly identical room design, the hatwearing robot hookup, the philosophizing robots asking incredibly similar questions. Those are things that

Worst part is that, outside of the pokemon IP, this actually looks more interesting to me. ACTUAL combat using your hard earned monsters? Sign me up.

Given the joy nintendo gave me as a kid, and the fact that their games are still generally really enjoyable, I am sincerely hoping that the NX has some awesome features. I mean, the comment about being afraid of copycats or leaks definitely lends credence to the idea that nintendo is going into *another* facet of

Sat and read the whole backlog today. fantastic series. Seconded

The Epic of Lolly the Spiderling:

This movie was significantly better then I had anticipated. Went with the wife who has zero knowledge of anything warcraft oriented. Took her 15-20 minutes to kind of “get it”, and after that point she loved it. The actor playing Medivh pissed her off as his constant sibilant whispers made him hard to hear, and

While working in a franchise dealership I’ve some people screw over their PARENTS for a better commission. Some sales people have absolutely no shame or conscience.

It’s funny considering a great deal of the people who’ve seen it have it placed at a solid 5/10 at worst. Not a spectacular movie, but at the same time, not atrocious by any means. Definitely some places where you can see the budget was not sufficient, and some weakness in dialogue in a few places; but overall a solid

About the same time americans realize how many of their teams are crewed by non-americans. Welcome to sports!

I specifically came onto this list to look for Stellaris. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited for a game launch.

This is a good policy. Let those who preorder get it without kneecapping those who buy after reviews. Also suggests confidence in the product which is always nice.