
-Sansa is the only person with balls AND good sense. Dany’s behavior is erratic and selfish. Just as she asked sensible questions about how they were gonna feed dragons and everyone else, Sansa was absolutely right to question a plan to march on King’s Landing when their forces were in no shape to do it.

Bold choice to film the episode entirely in black and darker black.

Endgame this morning.  GoT tonight.  In cowboy parlance I feel like I've been ridden hard and put up wet.  

how the fuck did brienne and grey worm survive that after all the good that happened to them last week?

I was like ARYA NO

That book is what happens when a writer doesn’t listen to or have a competent editor. I didn’t really enjoy reading Neal’s mental masturbation for pages on end interspersed with some story elements. It needed to be about 400 pages shorter.

Or more to the point, if we inflict cruelty upon each other or those we consider “lesser” (i.e. animals), we will have that cruelty reflected back up on us.

I hope you like to write fan-fiction, because I have a feeling that after next week I’m going to be in the market for fix-it-fic.

I think it would be amazing if Henry was like, “You’re spies. I get it. I’ve known since I was like 12.”

How do you have a long scene out in the hallway at FBI Headquarters and NOT have Mail Robot go rolling through? I mean COME ON!

I’m not ready.

It’s an Americans A-. That’s like a nuclear-strength A+ for most other shows.

Man, this is probably the most intense TV I’ve watched since Breaking Bad. Opening scene, the paintbrush murder, burning the painting, Jackson in the car, Stan moving closer, what about Renee, sheesh. An A-?

The artificial humans/hosts are completely narrative based. They are designed to appear to improvise, but a writer crafted their entire personality from scratch and is therefore able to plan how the host responds to different stimuli, especially when presented within a larger narrative world in which almost everything

Nah. You have every right to dislike something, but fuck right off with the idea everyone who does like it is pretending that they do. It’s one of the most insufferable geek postures around.

Ugh. You’re the worst.

This is the sort of movie that for me needs only to feature what it advertises - giant robots and giant monsters beating the shit out of each other. As long as there is an abundance of this, I’ll be happy.

Does one of the robots have a secret weapon that they inexplicably don’t use for half the movie?

The weightless combat (always in daytime, for some reason)