So nobody seems to like the preseason
So nobody seems to like the preseason
Nah, I’m not going to equate white supremacists with the people who oppose them. That seems like something an asshole would do.
Can’t we just agree that white supremacists and antifa are all assholes and that most of us are good people in the middle that just want people to be decent to one another? For fucks sake. If anything, I’m anti-asshole.
You saw the PR nightmare from having a fantasy draft right? With absolutely nothing to be offended by there, espn was crucified for “bad optics”. Having the namesake be the face of your first coverage in an area following a tragedy shouldn’t be a problem, but there’s more to run with there than the huge nothingness…
You should get out more.
Your last name befits you and the entire left. Antifa isn’t a “bogeyman.” It is a domestic terrorist group who holds the exact same ideology as 99% of the commenters on this site. They physically attack people with all sorts of deadly objects because those people have the gall to disagree with extreme left wing…
“Assault on affirmative action”? So, you’re ok with a program that punishes an already disadvantaged minority? As an Asian American I’m just as tired of the left as I am of the right.
Why can’t anyone ever acknowledge the fact that Kaepernick’s largest problem stems from his hyproctical actions and seeming lack of formed opinion on the topic.
Seems like it should very much not be legal in a country that guarantees civil liberties.
It’s almost like there should be an independent branch of government whose job it is to investigate allegations of abuse, charge an offender, and then have witnesses and evidence in some kind of open forum where everything gets exposed to the light of day in an open and transparent manner.
The issue here is that colleges are simply not equipped in any kind of way to engage in such activities. They are not motivated by law or justice or good of any kind. They act to protect their endowments and lines of business, like any other company would do.
Believe the victim! (unless the victim is telling you she isn’t a victim, then don’t trust her!)
Or he’s willing to take Katz, the alleged victim, at her word. Doesn’t seem too crazy to me...
What a joke... In an effort to protect women from sexual assault, oftentimes Title IX denies that they have any agency over their own decisions/actions. “Oh, he didn’t assault you? You’re just scared of him. We’ll kick him out of school just to be safe.”
Very suspicious...why would a tennis player date a kicker?
It seems to me that what the University is saying that if he had a cell phone paid for by the state (and the University counts as part of the state) then they are obligated to do a fuckton of paperwork making sure he uses that phone only for state business. It is possible that even if eh has two phones and only uses…
Requiring universities to maintain a certain level of “diversity”, if higher than the actual demographic ratios, in order to obtain federal funding, is not equality.
Yes, apparently, they do. People are going to feel so fucking stupid when this asshole is exposed YET AGAIN. If you ever wonder how people can be so gullible and stupid, just look at these comments. Literal proof that the guy is a scammer but these idiots would rather engage in performative bullshit in the name of…