Some Puns Are Funny

We’re just not gonna see eye to eye here. My point is that a person with a swastika on doesn’t give you carte blanche to slug them under current law. If your sentiment is widespread enough, you should work towards a democratic means of suppressing that kind of speech.

I understand what the “controversy” is about. It’s about avoidance of a hypothetical controversy. Everyone is now saying (with expertise) that it would have been no big deal but they clearly aren’t paying attention to what people are capable of being offended by or the ruckus they will cause if offended in the

You’re making the case that simply being a nazi is comparable to a direct incitement to violence (“kill Joe Rosentein”). I’ll grant that that’s not far fetched and clearly not unprecedented. The danger there is that you could similarly argue being an Antifa member is a direct incitement to violence. Or that being in

Well propose a constitutional amendment then and garner the necessary support. In the meantime cut this BS out because a lot of people believe in the bill of rights and you are quite literally advocating unequal protection.

Do you really not get how escalating violence will cause a problem? Constitutionally speaking, a peaceful Nazi demonstration supersedes your desire to “stomp them out”. Which puts people who believe wholeheartedly in the US Constitution in the very unfortunate position of being on the side of the freaking Nazis.

Well there you go. You are the one giving credibility to people who say they are being met with physical violence for dangerous ideas. Look, on the other side, I’m not a big fan of communism or its means to endgame historically but I would consider it reprehensible to physically attack a communist for expressing those

The burden of having a free society is that some people are really dumb or hateful (sometimes both). You cure that with debate, demonstration, economic pressures, and democracy.

How do people not get this? Somebody could be a redcoat and believe the United States still belongs to the UK. They could worship Ragnarok and pray tomorrow is the end of the world. They could be a member of Antifa. It doesn’t matter. You cannot initiate violence based on speech or political beliefs on them or YOU

shhhhh. We aren’t interested in your complaints unless someone discriminates against an Asian person for having a similar name to a long dead Confederate general’s. What a crazy hoop to have to jump through to get somebody to take notice. Super duper fleeting notice followed by cognitively dissonant complaints

An auction draft is incredibly innocuous. “bad look” is a highly subjective term for what people might be particularly sensitive about day to day.

Very prettily worded, sure, but ironically it’s so completely out of touch with reality that it borders on comedic. There are hundreds and thousands of people who take issue with the most mundane things that are considered offensive. To pretend they don’t exist is to deny the existence of a huge swath of writers and

BLM activists continually try to exclude or shun people’s opinions based on them not being the right color. Whitlock is mirroring rhetoric that’s actively being used by people who hold opposing opinions. It’s actually kinda clever. And it just so happens to piss you off which is now a bonus for its internet visibility

yes it’s because I said so and not because the primary reasons for higher education are for people to be taught, to exchange ideas, and to be assessed on the merit of their knowledge

no. Because a person interacting with a school forks over money and the school gives them back a code of conduct, a set of expectations, and a password so they can register online.

Can we talk about how hiring an escort isn’t technically illegal? I’ve never seen the phrase “greek service” mentioned even once

oh, also that universities lack the resources, experience, protocols, standards of proof, and expertise to make accurate judgments in regards to these situations

Two individuals interacting with one another is complex. A person interacting with a school should be fairly simple (attend class, make good grades, pay your tuition, etc.)

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if poverty was a primary factor in admissions, but race seems to weigh more.

I could give two shits about somebody buying a building for a school and their kid getting a nod for admissions.

I mean... you can. You strive for equal treatment, not preferential. That’s fighting nepotism with nepotism