Fifty Shades Of Out Of Grey
Fifty Shades Of Out Of Grey
I've been around since back in the day when the ban hammer existed on Gawker. Kids today.
Or one long disjointed screed boiling down to rage over women being people with the right to not like him.
Yeah, that was my guess too. Otherwise I can't figure out how gay sex gets 20% and an additional 25% are like, eh, I dunno about one dude, but throw a second dude in there and I'm all in.
I'll send them a detailed account of my abortion, and they can focus on death and rape threats so at least we don't have to hear this bullshit for a while. I would find that less annoying.
Why do they call that masturbation when another person's doing it to them? Too classy to call it a handjob/fingerbang?
So much thank you for this. I once had a guy I was dating put a leash on me for the first time in my life & he said, as soon as it was on, chuckling, "And you call yourself a feminist." We didn't go out after that because WTF.
Jesus - twenty two percent of men reported fantasizing about sexually abusing someone who is drunk, asleep or unconscious?
true. They're the same people that want to control my uterus, what my students read, what language we speak...
Fucking exactly. There is so much more to this than simply peering into your sister's vagina at a young age. While I don't think Lena Dunham is necessarily a sexual predator, I do think it's ridiculous how outraged and immediately defensive she became when people started questioning these passages from her book. If…
Yesterday, it was a "right-wing smear campaign." Today, it's, "Okay, that's kind of weird! But I did it, too, and I'm fine, see? We still love you, Lena!" Tomorrow, maybe it will be, "Woah, that's fucked up. But let's keep bankrolling Lena, anyway - at least she's not gross like Woody!"
AND, her sister Grace said, "Without getting into specifics," she said, "most of our fights have revolved around my feeling like Lena took her approach to her own personal life and made my personal life her property."
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…
I'm pretty sure she's being scolded for the right reasons: i.e. being an oversharing, solipsistic, privileged twit who thinks every damn thought that crosses her brain is a Precious Pearl That Needs to Be Expressed to the World.
Absolutely. I remember hearing from a teacher friend-of-a-friend that they looooved the grunge era, too, because there really wasn't a separation between the rich kids and the poor kids in terms of clothing. Like, every kid could rip a pair of jeans and pair them with a plain white t-shirt and a plaid button-up. Once…
I actually agree that it's totally shitty for that manager to try to keep you from going to your senior prom. What kind of asshole thinks it's okay to keep kids/teenagers from having good, memorable moments in life? The people replying about this being a real-world moment, yeah, true, but can't the real world wait…
Catalog? Amazing. Actually purchasing items from said catalog? Terrible. I can't tell you how many times I tried to get a Delia's Model haircut and left the salon in tears.